Schumer-Backed N.C. Senate Candidate Who Crushed Black Female Challenger Awkwardly Explains Commitment to Diversity – IOTW Report

Schumer-Backed N.C. Senate Candidate Who Crushed Black Female Challenger Awkwardly Explains Commitment to Diversity

WFB: Cal Cunningham won the Democratic nomination for the Senate in North Carolina by defeating Erica Smith, a qualified African-American woman. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) went all in for Cunningham because, according to Smith, he “did not want an African American running for Senate in North Carolina.”

Cunningham, a white male, could have proven his commitment to diversity by stepping aside so Smith could win the nomination. Instead, he conspired with Schumer and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee to destroy her dreams.

Now that Cunningham is the Democratic nominee, he’s been holding a bunch of virtual town halls and attempting to explain how deeply he values diversity. It has been awkward. read more

12 Comments on Schumer-Backed N.C. Senate Candidate Who Crushed Black Female Challenger Awkwardly Explains Commitment to Diversity

  1. The divide and conquer evil shit Dems always have a hard time explaining the reason for the huge body count of blacks when their game of musical (power grab) chairs is over.
    Meanwhile the blacks happily stay in their masters rotting, urban plantations.

  2. Whoa, whoa! Erica Smith is a rabid leftist. She’s indefensible and doesn’t deserve a pity party because she’s black.
    The only take away from this sorted tale – Democrats are routinely “hypokritical” (new libtard spelling of hypocritical) and devour their own. Democrats have always treated black people like they are less than human. Schumer and Cunningham are no exception.

  3. The more people divide themselves based on sex/color, the harder it will be for them to get elected or get jobs. Because people will be AFRAID to hire them. Not because they’re a COLOR/SEX, but because nobody wants the headache and the lawsuits, should the COLOR/SEX throw a fit one day because somebody in the office forgot to tell them there were donuts in the breakroom and now they’re fresh out.

  4. Democrats are sooo diverse. They make sure Christian churches are non-essential and off-limits, but mosques, abortion clinics, marijuana and liqour stores are absolutely essential. If you’re not part of the Democrat political agenda, you can forget being included in their “diversity”.
    BTW, Any politician supported by Schumer is bound to be a scumbag.

  5. “…He promised to “lead by listening”…”

    Think about that statement. Listening is passive while leading is active. This is the same as Oblowme’s leading from behind. You can’t be a leader when you’re listening for instructions from your constituents.

    There is a common misunderstanding of how a representative republic works. We the people do not vote a candidate in because we expect him/her to vote as we tell them to do. Rather we vote a candidate in because we have made the determination that their values and beliefs are in line with ours and will guide their voting actions accordingly.

    Besides, that comment is very metrosexual and millennial milquetoast.


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