Schumer Drives Senate to Work Overtime on Confirmations Before Year’s End – IOTW Report

Schumer Drives Senate to Work Overtime on Confirmations Before Year’s End

Last night 30 ambassador nominees were rammed through the Senate after Ted Cruz agreed to lift his objection to 16 candidates. Cruz held up their appointments over the Biden Administration acquiescing to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia to Europe. Here

The Biden administration also proudly proclaims putting 40 judges on federal benches, outdoing the record set by the Trump Administration. Here

11 Comments on Schumer Drives Senate to Work Overtime on Confirmations Before Year’s End

  1. Given all the corrupt shit that infests our government, media and educational systems, and the mentally ill generation that will someday inherit our government, think about this:

    A list of ages of important American Revolution characters on July 4, 1776:

    Andrew Jackson, 9
    (Major) Thomas Young, 12
    Deborah Sampson, 15
    James Armistead, 15
    Joseph Plumb Martin, 15
    Peter Salem, 16**
    Peggy Shippen, 16
    Marquis de Lafayette, 18
    James Monroe, 18
    Henry Lee III, 20
    Gilbert Stuart, 20
    John Trumbull, 20
    Aaron Burr, 20
    John Marshall, 20
    Nathan Hale, 21
    Banastre Tarleton, 21
    Alexander Hamilton, 21**
    Benjamin Tallmadge, 22
    Robert Townsend, 22
    George Rodgers Clark, 23
    David Humphreys, 23
    Gouveneur Morris, 24
    Betsy Ross, 24
    William Washington, 24
    James Madison, 25
    Henry Knox, 25
    John Andre, 26
    Thomas Lynch, Jr., 26*
    Edward Rutledge, 26*
    Abraham Woodhull, 26
    Isaiah Thomas, 27
    George Walton, 27* **
    John Paul Jones, 28
    Bernardo de Galvez, 29
    Thomas Heyward, Jr., 29*
    Robert R. Livingston, 29
    John Jay, 30
    Tadeusz Kosciuszko, 30
    Benjamin Rush, 30*
    Abigail Adams, 31
    John Barry, 31
    Elbridge Gerry, 31*
    Casimir Pulaski, 31
    Anthony Wayne, 31
    Joseph Brant, 33
    Nathanael Greene, 33
    Thomas Jefferson, 33*
    Thomas Stone, 33* **
    William Hooper, 34*
    Arthur Middleton, 34*
    James Wilson, 34* **
    Benedict Arnold, 35
    Samuel Chase, 35*
    Thomas Knowlton, 35
    William Paca, 35*
    John Penn, 35*
    Hercules Mulligan, 36
    Andrew Pickens, 36
    Haym Solomon, 36
    John Sullivan, 36
    George Clymer, 37*
    Charles Cornwallis, 37
    Thomas Nelson, Jr., 37*
    Ethan Allen, 38
    Charles Carroll, 38*
    King George III, 38
    Francis Hopkinson, 38*
    Carter Braxton, 39*
    George Clinton, 39
    John Hancock, 39*
    Daniel Morgan, 39
    Thomas Paine, 39
    Patrick Henry, 40
    Enoch Poor, 40
    John Adams, 40*
    Daniel Boone, 41
    William Floyd, 41^
    Button Gwinnett, 41* **
    John Lamb, 41**
    Francis Lightfoot Lee, 41*
    Paul Revere, 41
    Thomas Sumter, 41
    Robert Morris, 42*
    Thomas McKean, 42*
    George Read, 42*
    John Dickinson, 43
    John Glover, 43
    Benjamin Edes, 43
    Samuel Huntington, 44*
    Richard Henry Lee, 44*
    Charles Lee, 44
    Francis Marion, 44
    Lord North, 44
    George Washington, 44
    Joseph Galloway, 45
    Robert Treat Paine, 45*
    Friedrich von Steuben, 45
    Richard Stockton, 45*
    Martha Washington, 45
    William Williams, 45*
    (Dr.) Thomas Young, 45
    Josiah Bartlett, 46*
    Henry Clinton, 46
    Joseph Hewes, 46*
    William Howe, 46
    George Ross, 46*
    William Whipple, 46*
    Caesar Rodney, 47*
    John Stark, 47
    Mercy Otis Warren, 47
    William Ellery, 48*
    Horatio Gates, 48
    Artemas Ward, 48
    Oliver Wolcott, 49*
    Abraham Clark, 50*
    Benjamin Harrison, 50*
    Lewis Morris, 50*
    Lord Stirling, 50
    George Wythe, 50* **
    Guy Carleton, 51
    John Morton, 51* **
    Comte de Rochambeau, 51
    Lyman Hall, 52*
    James Rivington, 52**
    Samuel Adams, 53*
    Comte de Grasse, 53
    John Witherspoon, 53*
    John Burgoyne, 54
    Johann de Kalb, 55
    Roger Sherman, 55*
    Thomas Gage, 56
    James Smith, 56*
    Israel Putnam, 58
    Comte de Vergennes, 58
    Lewis Nicola, 59**
    George Germain, 60
    Philip Livingston, 60*
    George Taylor, 60* **
    Matthew Thornton, 62*
    Francis Lewis, 63*
    John Hart, 65* **
    Stephen Hopkins, 69*
    Benjamin Franklin, 70*
    Samuel Whittemore, 81

    *An asterisk signifies that the individual was a signer of the Declaration of Independence.
    **A double asterisk means that there is evidence that the person’s age is not precise, or only a birth year is known.

  2. Ted Cruz just lost the tad bit of support I had left for him.

    The Repubes may as well put D’s in front of their name, they are traitors to their voting base.

    Not sure if I’m even going to vote the next time around,🤔 there is no difference between the parties.
    They don’t even try to fight against the Commie Dem’s, such a disgrace. 😡

  3. We keep insulting the Japanese with these ambassador appointments. Um..remember…um…the um..appointment …Caroline um Kennedy O’


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