Schumer Hot Mic Turns My Stomach – IOTW Report

Schumer Hot Mic Turns My Stomach

15 Comments on Schumer Hot Mic Turns My Stomach

  1. What’s not to like. An enemy that tells you their intentions and comes straight at you. Much easier that constantly getting stabbed in the back by people that are suppose to be on your side.
    Tucker Carlson called Ryan a liar tonight. About fell off my chair.

  2. Slick chucks used car sales. Why does the concept of a “deal” with slick chuck on daca make me a little suspicious. Cmon djt kick this weasel in the jimmies and show him the door

  3. Great work with Chuck Brilliant.
    Meanwhile the Wall isn’t being built, zero tax cuts and we still
    have Obamacare. MAGA or keep America Liberal forever is more like it.

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