Schumer proposes ‘cash for clunkers’ all over again – IOTW Report

Schumer proposes ‘cash for clunkers’ all over again

American Thinker:

Remember “cash for clunkers”?  It’s baaack.

Sen. Chuck Schumer has a new proposal to have everyone turn in his car and get in return a supposedly clean, green, nifty electric vehicle

WASHINGTON (Reuters) — Senator Chuck Schumer, the top Senate Democrat, late on Thursday proposed a $454 billion plan over 10 years to help shift the United States away from gasoline-powered vehicles by offering cash vouchers to help Americans buy cleaner vehicles.

Schumer said in a statement that his plan, which would provide rebates of $3,000 or more to individual buyers, would help transition 25% of the U.S. fleet, or 63 million vehicles, away from traditional internal combustion-engine vehicles within 10 years.

The plan would be key to reducing the impact of climate change, Schumer said, noting that the transportation sector accounts for nearly one-third of U.S. carbon output.

Now, pay no attention to the hard reality that electric cars run on electricity, and electricity requires coal to create.  Schumer’s proposal amounts to either a massive subsidy to the coal industry — or else fuel shortages, the signature shortages of socialism in a “planned” economy.  And never mind that the composition of electric vehicles is far from carbon-neutral; it’s farther, in fact, than gas-fueled vehicles.  read more

21 Comments on Schumer proposes ‘cash for clunkers’ all over again

  1. Where I live, they are constantly raising electric rates to both pay for solar and to force (the poorer) people to use less.

    The ruling class is, of course, unaffected since they have plenty of money and won’t notice it.

  2. With apologies to the Eagles

    Don’t your feet get cold in the winter time?
    The wind won’t blow and the sun won’t shine
    It’s hard to tell the night time from the day
    You’re longing for those days of coal
    Ain’t it funny how those renewables went away?

  3. While I am cruising around in my 69 Mach 1 Mustang any time I pull next to a “green” car at a stop light I always go out of my way to thank the driver for his/her sacrifice and then do a smokey burnout when the light turns green.

  4. In 2008 when the cash for clunkers scheme was hatched, when all things from manufacturing to recycling (dust to dust) were considered, the Jeep Wrangler had the lowest environmental impact.

  5. Because buyers will take a US$3,000 “rebate” and pay much more than US$3,000 more than the new petrol fueled vehicle? Right across the street? If not in the, exact, same lot?

    Or because Schmuckles wants to walk around some of the “proles’ money” to Saint Greta’s acolytes? Those who can’t land a Burisma gig?

  6. Follow the money.
    Another scam to shovel money (extorted from the taxpayers) to the friends, relatives, and cronies of the maggots in Congress.

    Tell us, Chuck, where in the Constitution is this explicitly demanded of the Federal Government? You recall, of course, that that whole “Civil War” bullshit was because the Constitution was silent (thus, NOT ALLOWED) on the issue of secession? You’re a great Senator and knowledgeable scholar and all that shit, right?

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Tell that “electric renewables” to those that live in northern climates come this wimter, when the same charge that MAY get you to work and back, will only take you halfway there.

  8. the biggest problem with electric cars is the use batteries. Batteries only last 3 to 4 years. the mountains of batteries is far worse than any current trash problems. The cost for a set for an average car is about $10k, I am sure you are going to buy a set for an 8 year old car. Most 10 year old hybrids are worth zero dollars. Maybe you can ride a train.

  9. We are blessed to have older cars that are not based on electronics, and are not hackable, or vulnerable to being remote controlled. I don’t want to be locked inside a car when I desperately want to get out. It isn’t about electric cars, which ordinary people can’t afford, it’s about more control of the people. Even if a person were actually given a new car to replace an old, but reliable car, a wise owner would reject the new, and keep the old one. However, if forced at gunpoint to take a new car, that might create a problem.

    Hackers crash car by remote control
    22 JULY 2015, / DANIEL BATES

  10. and we’ll be paying tens of thousands more for a vehicle that limits your mobility (freedom). Any trip over 200 miles will take you days instead of hours. It seems like they don’t want you wandering too far from home.


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