Schumer Remains Defiant On The Wall – IOTW Report

Schumer Remains Defiant On The Wall

In an attempt to blame-shift the coming government shut down, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated that no border wall will be built. Citing the lack of votes in the president’s own party, Schumer tried to portray himself and House Minority Leader Nance Pelosi (D-CA) as offering means to keep the government operating, without sharing details of those plans. More

13 Comments on Schumer Remains Defiant On The Wall

  1. All of chucks “innocent workers” are pampered pensioned government employees who will get paid regardless of any “shutdown.” Another Pinocchio for slumping slithering crapweasel chuck.

  2. He wants our culture to corrode. His kind was born to corrode their host culture. This has been going on for thousands of years. Meanwhile his homeland has impenetrable borders/walling.

  3. Don’t fool yourselves. (1) There will be no vote on the wall. (2) If there is a vote it will not pass.

    The republicant’s will blame the democraps but it will in fact be the republicant’s failure. How many times must we be fooled by this SHIT? Notice the fake last minute effort to get this done now that they are losing the House when they had two years of a majority? This is all BULLSHIT.

  4. The “Wall” was already approved by Congress. It just needs funding. $5+ Billion to help reduce the $160+ Billion it costs us to care for the illegals. We’d be crazy not to do it. But then, we ARE crazy.

    2019 may be the year I go out of business and quit paying taxes. Just sayin’.

  5. Government shutdown? The Progs pretty much destroyed the government a long time ago. It’d be nice to be able to get back to a actual government some day instead of this ersatz fiction of a kabuki theater farce whose only purpose anymore seems to be as a means for empire building Progs to build their political empires.

  6. I see the wall as a military defense from invading forces. Simply deduct it from the DOJ budget and use the military to build it. Its not like its anything else but a deterrent used to deflect advancing non-citizens from entering our country illegally.

  7. I don’t think it’s that complicated. Who’s paying Schumer, who makes butt loads of cash illegals, who’s trying to build a voting base that makes common sense illegal? How did Obama make $232.6 million? Michelle 2020?

  8. Hey Cryin Chuck

    We don’t need no education
    We don’t need no thought control
    No dark sarcasms in the Congress
    Asshole leave them Trumps alone
    Hey…jerkwad leave them kids alone

    All your tears just another brick in the wall

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