Schumer – ‘Tears are running down the cheeks of the Statue of Liberty’ – IOTW Report

Schumer – ‘Tears are running down the cheeks of the Statue of Liberty’

Washington Examiner –

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Friday evening lambasted President Trump‘s executive order that enhances screening procedures for refugees and immigrants.

“Tears are running down the cheeks of the Statue of Liberty tonight as a grand tradition of America, welcoming immigrants, that has existed since America was founded has been stomped upon,”


Let me expand upon Schumer’s comment.

‘Tears are running down the cheeks of the Statue of Liberty, streaking the soot that is still enveloping her from the smoke of 3,000 immolated bodies at the hands of devout Muslims practicing authentic Islam.”


34 Comments on Schumer – ‘Tears are running down the cheeks of the Statue of Liberty’

  1. Ok Schumer, Let’s Make a Deal!

    You personally vouch for every “refugee” that comes through. That means also the majority of them that are males in fighting jihad age of 18-55. You agree that if any of them commit a crime here in the United States, you agree to serve time in jail as an accomplice to such crime since you personally vouched for them.

    He’d either be in jail in less than a week or he’d be a new convert to the Trump’s request to screen them properly

  2. There’s a YUGE difference between the immigrants who came here 100 years ago, who wanted to be Americans and respected our values and culture; and immigrants coming now with the stated goal or destroying our country from within. It’s actually the opposite.

  3. Chuckle, baby, can you not see the YUGE bull in the congressional China houses? Better to get out of your fetal position and run!! No one cares to hear from liberal America haters, who are the direct cause of the rise of THE TRUMPINATOR TRANSFORMER.

  4. Chuck what you are pissing on America’s leg is not tears.

    You have a misguided knack for the over dramatic when attempting to tell us islamic terrorist refugees should be allowed in the US with no vetting.

  5. Senator PUTZ. Go ahead Schmuch. Ask Senator Tom Cotton again where he was eight years ago. Asswipe!!
    I pray to God that New York has the good sense to retire this weasel and the feminazi Gillibrand next election. Probably too much to ask,’cause God already answered my prayers and gave us Donald Trump. For which I am grateful.

  6. Either he’s a typical lying POS libstain, or ignorant of the screening immigrants traditionally went through right there in his own state – maybe because disease, insanity and moral “turpitude” hits too close to home.

  7. It’a a good thing that Lady Justice is blind, and unlike Lady Liberty, knows that this is a land of laws, and not a social experiment. Oh yeah, Lady Justice has no tears, she has teeth.

  8. When these bleeding hearts start taking these people into THEIR homes and neighborhoods I might listen to them. Until then they are just spouting bullcrap and trying to “bully” us. Make them personally responsible for the invaders crimes as others have said.

  9. All these morons talking this bullshit aren’t taking into consideration that when they the “Give us your tired…..” blah, blah, blah stuff was written we didn’t have a welfare state. Those coming here had to have a job skill and they went to work. We can continue to import the entire third world and put them in section 8 housing, give them ebt cards and put their kids through school. We’re $20 trillion in debt now because of these idiots. What do they think will happen if the government fails under the weight of he debt we incur because of their lunacy?

  10. Schumer is a jackass lady Liberty has seen thousands turned away at Ellis Island sent packing back to their own country because to admit would harm the current residence from some disease they carried. Or to. Admit them would offer no benefit to the country, no needed skills, a criminal background, or many other reasons that made them incompatible with American culture.

  11. Lady Liberty has shed more tears over the BS laws Jackass Schumer has pushed than over anything Trmp has done. The sight of Schumer’s ugly face alone is enough to make the lady weep.

  12. They are not citizens! We welcome them at our discretion.

    Since they are from islamic hellholes where they danced in the streets on 911, I say let them all rot over there.

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