Science Evolving on Origin of Man – Has New Species Been Discovered – IOTW Report

Science Evolving on Origin of Man – Has New Species Been Discovered


He was a big guy, somewhere around 50 years old when he died, and his discovery might just change the narrative on how modern humans came to be. Introducing Dragon Man, so nicknamed for China’s Dragon River region where his well-preserved skull was found, reports CNN. Researchers say he lived somewhere between 140,000 and 300,000 years ago, though he is not quite Neanderthal and not quite Homo sapien, per the Guardian. In fact, they have found Dragon Man to be distinct enough to create a new species for him—Homo longi, and they say this species is more closely related to modern humans than Neanderthals. “If confirmed, that would change how scientists envision the origin of Homo sapiens, which has been built up over the years from fossil discoveries and the analysis of ancient DNA,” per the New York Times.

Even if the new species is not confirmed, however—and coverage includes the voices of skeptics—the consensus is unanimous that the skull is still an amazing find. As is its back story. In 1933, a Chinese laborer working on a bridge found the skull in the city of Harbin. He took it home and buried it in a well for safekeeping, possibly because he didn’t want it to fall into the hands of Japanese occupiers. It remained undisturbed until 2018, when the man spoke of it before his death.


26 Comments on Science Evolving on Origin of Man – Has New Species Been Discovered

  1. Tim lol. Right?


    It’s a chinese ‘discovery’. LOL! Which means it was hidden for 80 years because it was complete bullshit. A scam.

    Look, the chinese are the SAME assholes that claim they find “new dinosaurs” until someone else does the research and finds out they made the ‘new’ by putting pieces of other dinosaurs together. This is what the chinese do. They lie about everything. They don’t care.

    STOP accepting shit from china.
    Fucking scientists are so gullible these days!

  2. CNN? China? Yeah sure. Two of the biggest liars on the planet. “Dragon Man” is nothing more than Chinese lore and CCP propaganda – fake news.

  3. Not ONLY has NO “missing link” EVER been discovered, between man (homo sapiens), and any other species: NO “missing link” has EVER been found, between ANY species, and any OTHER species! 😮

    Either a fish begat a reptile one day, and then a reptile a bird (which scientifically cannot be proved, or duplicated – even in a lab), OR… God created EACH animal, according to their OWN kind – Genesis chapter 2.

    24 And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. 25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

    As with ALL things in life, I’M gonna stick with God’s Word on this too. I guess I just don’t have enough FAITH, to believe in, “evolutionism.” 😳

  4. @AbigailAdams: “… Once again science is going to try to prove a Biblical fact.”

    I had it explained to me as such:
    ‘If you take but one drink from the glass of science, it will turn you into an atheist. But if you keep drinking and drink the whole glass, you will find God in the bottom.’


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