Science studying doppelgangers – IOTW Report

Science studying doppelgangers

I saw a guy online that looked exactly like me. It was eerie.

Science is trying to determine if there is more to it than just looking alike.

35 Comments on Science studying doppelgangers

  1. Well, when I look in the mirror in the morning the guy staring back sure doesn’t look like the guy I see in my mind’s eye.
    Mrs Galt doesn’t seem to mind so it’s all good.

  2. Now that I’m old, fat, and bald, no one knows who I am anymore.

    As for my twin, there was a performing contortionist in the early aughts who was indeed my unrelated twin. I can’t remember his name and I can’t dig him up in web searches. He had reeeeeeeal long hair.

  3. About 40 years ago while shopping in Sears, the clerk who was ringing up our sale all of a sudden said…”Oh My God, you look just like Martin Sheen!” And my wife said “Oh My God…are you on DRUGS?”. This is no shit. At the time I didn’t have a clue what Martin Sheen looked like!

  4. @BFH – saying what you said, is like the tree falling in the forest to hear it…

    Post the original vid! :>O

    It would give us ALL an idea…without outing you?


  5. I met my doppelgänger in college and it was very strange. We were studying the same subjects with the same major and minor. She was from the same part of the country as my father’s family but we had no relationship. On campus people would stop and talk to me and get mad or confused when I didn’t recognize them. They mistook me for M. We finally figured it out when we both ended up in the same class and our professor thought we were twins. The one difference was eye color. Hers were blue and mine are brown. We even dressed with the same colors and styles. She wanted a career in the military. The summer after junior year we both ended up working for a special program at NASA as translators for minor visiting dignitaries. I wonder what happened to her?

  6. @ full Auto I Had the Police draw their guns on me once because they thought I was a drug dealer (If you ever saw me you would laugh at the notion). Just one of a few doppelganger stories I could tell.

  7. My mom had one for a while. A handful of people have actually walked up to her just about to say something and stop- “Oh! I thought you were ___”

    As for me and my sister, and dad- No dopps.
    You do NOT want more of ME. Trust me. 😂

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