“Science” Was Monumentally Wrong Just Recently – IOTW Report

“Science” Was Monumentally Wrong Just Recently


 For more than a decade, signs at Glacier National Park warned visitors that the glaciers would be gone by the year 2020 – now those signs are being changed.

They were originally added to the park to reflect climate change predictions by the U.S. Geological Survey.

Glacier National Park spokeswoman Gina Kerzman explained that the latest research shows shrinking of some glaciers, but in ways much more complex than what was predicted. Because of this, the park must update all signs around the park which state that all glaciers will be melted by 2020.



Glacier National Park Announces Plans for 2022 Ticket System

They announce this with not a bit of shame.

Discovering Montana –

As you travel through Glacier National Park, you’ll be surprised at the size and number of glaciers in the park today. However, the glaciers you’ll see in the park today are just a small handful of glaciers compared to what used to be in the park.

The glaciers in Glacier National Park are rapidly shrinking, and there are some estimates that by the year 2030, there will be no glaciers left in this beautiful National Park.


Oh, it’s 2030 now.

I think by 2030, people will be on their 30th Covid booster.

I was thinking, isn’t it time they change “human caused climate change” to “whitey caused climate change”?

22 Comments on “Science” Was Monumentally Wrong Just Recently

  1. I go into Glacier National Park quite often and this shit pisses me off. The amount of hoopla and horseshit devoted to this phony baloney, plastics banana, phantasmagorical prognostications about “global warming” should be an embarrassment to the people working there, but they are as indifferent to shame as Jeffrey Toobin.

  2. I predicted that the ice in my lunch time cocktail would melt by 3:00 p.m., and sure enough, by 3:00 p.m. I was left with a warmish and watered down scotch. Perhaps I should be in the climate change prediction field.

  3. didn’t I see an article mentioned on IOTW a couple of days ago about there being more polar bears now than when Algore was peddling his latest money making scheme? Or was that a post by one of the members here?

  4. Cosmetology is more honest than cosmology.

    Most cosmologists have been running the “multiverse” theory for a couple of decades, at least. It’s a Hail Mary attempt, and maybe their last serious attempt, to dispose of the Big Bang theory, which, they admit, required a creative intelligence. The multiverse theory means unending infinite universes, and with no end, there is no beginning.

    Their goal is to “not let a divine foot in the door”. They hate the idea of God.

    BTW, you would think if the producers and writers of the TV program “Big Bang” really understood the implications of the theory, they would have selected a different name for the show. I’m sure they are all God hating liberals.

  5. When we went to Alaska the woman who was telling the ship. about the glaciers told us the glaciers are actually many miles bigger than even in the 1800’s.

    These morally challenged scientists lie so they keep the research money rolling in.

  6. @General Malaise

    “However, even if we take this effect into account, there remains a serious difference between theory and observation that cannot be remedied”, Haslbauer points out.

    Theory crashes up against the rocks on shore and they start again on their Don Quixote quest to eliminate God.

    One “scientist” concerned about how life developed on the earth, a biology professor, claimed that the first mammals developed from ocean creatures that made their way to land and survived, eventually becoming a various sorts of mammals, but some went back in the ocean and eventually became whales and dolphins. Later, some of them must have gotten tired of ocean living apparently and hopped back up on the land to develop into the modern mammals we know, cows, dogs, pigs, etc. She was trying to explain the mystery of having cetaceans living in the ocean – giving live birth and suckling their young like mammals do. It was an inexplicable side trip off the Darwinian Highway. She went off the rails to explain something that Darwinian theory can’t explain. This is how Darwin makes people become blithering idiots.


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