Scientific Giant, Branded a Racist, Doubles Down on Racial IQ – IOTW Report

Scientific Giant, Branded a Racist, Doubles Down on Racial IQ


James Watson, the Nobel Prize-winning DNA scientist who lost his job in 2007 for racist views, was stripped of several honorary titles Friday by the New York lab he once headed. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory said it was reacting to Watson’s remarks in a TV documentary aired earlier this month, reports the AP. In the film, Watson said his views about intelligence and race had not changed since 2007, when he told a magazine that he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours—where all the testing says not really.” In the 2007 interview, Watson said that while he hopes everyone is equal, “people who have to deal with black employees find this is not true.” In this month’s documentary, he said genes cause a difference on average between blacks and whites on IQ tests.

The laboratory, calling the latest remarks “reprehensible” and “unsupported by science,” said they effectively reversed Watson’s 2007 written apology and retraction. It said it had revoked three honorary titles, including chancellor emeritus and honorary trustee.


76 Comments on Scientific Giant, Branded a Racist, Doubles Down on Racial IQ

  1. “In this month’s documentary, he said genes cause a difference on average between blacks and whites on IQ tests.”

    From my own life experiences I’d have to call bull shit on that statement. More of a product of their environment. I know some really stupid white people and some really intelligent black people. And visa versa.

  2. The difference in skin melanin content between blacks and whites is genetic.

    The difference in nasal septum structure between blacks and whites is genetic.

    The difference in lip size between blacks and whites is genetic.

    The difference in hair strand cross-section between blacks and whites is genetic.


    Any claim of a difference in mental/cognitive ability between blacks and whites is a horrible racist lie being made by an unforgivable and reprehensible bigot, and there simply cannot be any possible genetic basis for such a claim.

    Uh-huh. Got it.

    Edit: Kindly note that I am not making a claim that there is a genetic difference in intelligence, merely that dismissing such a claim is ridiculous.

  3. It’s ok to contend that Asians and Jews have average IQ’s higher than Caucasians…. ….but, not that blacks, on average, have lower IQs.

    The practical import of this is that for fifty years liberals have been trying, to no avail, to normalize secondary public education test scores between blacks and whites. Sadly, with the dumbing down of our teacher pool now (NY, for example no longer demands that new teachers need to read and do math to an 8th grade level), the only way the scores will be normalized will be to teach and challenge white children *less* so blacks don’t have their self-esteem threatened. Another sad half a century in America…..
    ….Lady in Red

  4. Uncle Al exactly.
    Also, as I have noted before there is consensus that different breeds of dogs have varying intelligence; anyone who agrees with that has to acknowledge that there is no difference between judging dogs in that way vs. judging different human ethnicities.

  5. “Back when one culture could say what it thought of another without risking a massive Donna Shalala explosion, the 1911 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica (the only reference work I really trust) opined, “The Somali are a fighting race and all go armed…They are great talkers, keenly sensitive to ridicule, and quick tempered…love display…are inordinately vain and avaricious…””
    -P.J. O’Rourke, “All the Trouble in the World”

    …yes, when one culture could be honest about another…that essay is from a 1994 book, that passage based on a 1911 book, and yet it is so, soooo accurate even today…might want to consider that, what with Moslem inbreeding and all, the professor just MAY have a POINT, at least in terms of the general population of the Moslem states in Africa…

  6. Let’s talk about Asian high I.Q. Your average Asian is a studying machine. They can read, retain, and repeat like no other. Most have never had an original thought in their head. That’s why all the Asian countries are so dependent on STEALING OUR TECHNOLOGY. I’ve watched it happen for years.

  7. Bad_Brad – Agreed! We’ve seen he same thing in electronics and technology. When developing the HD standards for instance, they were based on the Grand alliance input from Europe and America. The Japanese are very technically savy and innovative, but in a manufacturing environment, not so much an R&D environment.

  8. I have found that many people I have been exposed to in life were more intelligent than me. I cannot say it is totally attributed to genetics but, I was was smart enough to hire them regardless of their heritage.

  9. Additionally when they come up with new concepts they are usually really out there and weird.
    One look at what they thought concept cars should look like and you just scratch yer head and wonder WTF is that??? But you want it manufactured well, look no further.
    I personally have been thru off shore manufacturing where you send them a prototype and ask them to replicate this and you wind up going thru the exercise 5 – 10 times before they get it right, but once they get it right they can do it reliably a millions times afterwards.
    Inhale that Lady…

  10. “Bad Brad….. That was a pretty tacky comment about Asians. And I suppose Jews just inhale information through their big noses, eh? ….Lady in Red”

    Are you still looking for a fight. Go someplace else. Your comment is tacky. Did I make any reference to physical appearance? No. You did.
    Further more, what I said was the truth.

  11. No, BB….. It is *not* true. As is so common among liberals, you are spouting a right wing meme, mostly about the Chinese, not “Asians in general.”

    (…which may be accurate, to an extent…..?)

    I’m sorry that your ad hominem, personal experiences have been what they are, but it is NOT possible to extrapolate from your acquaintances to the giant pools of people in various races. ….Lady in Red

  12. Regarding the
    Japanese: At dawn we slept. Also, tentacle porn.
    Chinese: There’s plenty of ’em.
    French: Cheese eating surrender monkeys.
    Germans: Bombed Pearl Harbor.
    English: There’s no England now.
    Africans: The smart ones moved out. Or sold the dumb ones.
    Romans: Nothing lasts for ever.
    South Americans: A revolution every ten minutes.
    Mexicans: Conquered by a handful of Castilians.
    Spaniards: Booted out the Moors. Eventually.
    Hawaiians: Happier before Captain Cook.
    Palestinians. No such country.
    Muslims: A plague on humanity for fourteen centuries.
    Americans: About to become victims of our own success.

  13. If white peeprul so smaht. Why so many brack peeprul get them to support their lifestryle?

    Seem rike brack man prenty smaht.

    Not as smaht as Chinee man… but he O.K.

  14. Good, bad or indifferent, there are traits that are genetically related whether people like it or not. That doesn’t mean they should be denigrated, simply recognized and understood.
    When I get to the intersection of Reality and Opinion, I stay on Reality Route 1 and mash the pedal.

  15. Great point, Hop Sing! ….smile…. In SF, LA, Portland, NY and now DC, “turnstile hopping” is no longer a crime — because 80 per cent of offenders are black. Expensive, perhaps…. ….but a “petty crime” the white folk can afford….

    I believe that their murder rate, percentage-wise, is damn high, also. If they can just increase it a bit, blacks will be able to murder at will.

    Now, *that* would be an accomplishment, a tricky accomplishment on the ole white folk, indeed! ….Lady in Red

  16. I guess Hit and run Hal isn’t going to answer me back.

    Hal, google Lockheed Martin F-35, then google Chinese J-31. Notice any striking similarities? And no, we didn’t steal the design from the Chinese.

  17. Joe6pak. Attaboy, bucko, you tell ’em. Nothing dumber than a dumb Irishman than a smart WASP or Swede, or Hank (Tipper) Johnson Rep of Georgia.
    William Shockley, inventor of the transistor, and a brilliant engineer, had an opinion on race, which didn’t go over well with the not so brilliant.

  18. After hearing white guy Chris Coons D-De on Fox News Sunday today I’m pretty sure every lab that test IQ would place him on the far left side of the IQ bell curve. Right down on the x-axis. I feel a little lower on the scale myself just from listening to him. However, that observation may not strengthen James Watson’s conclusions.

  19. If you are interested in a serious discussion of James Watson’s work, I would recommend Stefan Molyneux’s excellent podcast on

    I don’t always agree with Molyneux but he is not a casual thinker and often hosts excellent guests. Search the archives for Watson’s studies.

  20. Re: persistent traits and cultural specifics:

    Black: to be celebrated or ignored, depending on if it’s negative.

    White: to be ignored even if positive, or attributed to others, if not condemned and eradicated.

  21. I’m not going to generalize about the intellectual capacity of a racial group. But as a businessman who has had hundreds of employees. I cannot AGREE MORE with his statement about black employees. I can tell you, from experience that 99% of the black people I have hired, I have had to fire because of self-destructive choices, stealing, abuse, etc…

    The only black people who worked for me who I have not had to fire, have been immigrants.

    “African-Americans” all suffer from the same cultural malady “Thug life.” The Ku Klux Klan could never have envisioned something so destructive as what black Americans do to themselves.

  22. Compounding the current low IQ of the average American Black was that their ancestors were part of a breeding program run by the plantation owners that bred for traits that matched the fields not the schools.
    IOW, bred for brawn not brains.

  23. So this explains why there are no black mechanics… but a shit ton of Mesikin ones who kinda’ suck?

    I know, I know… but what the hell, in for penny, in for a pound.

  24. All I know is, and I don’t know much, but over the years I’ve met all types of people, from Eskimos to Floridians; from Ireland to Russia and all I can say is there is good and bad in all; smart and dumb too. But I can say with certainty that the worst phucking drivers in the world are either from New Jersey, or Hassidic Jews.

  25. Anon. 8.16. Not the Germans. It was Obama who told us that the Japanese dropped a bomb on Pearl Harbor. That was after he had travelled all 57 States, and still had two to go. This history must not be forgotten.

  26. I don’t know. I think it’s nurture more than anything. I know a lot of white people who couldn’t tie their shoes if they didn’t have help. Also, white celebrities are the dumbest SOB’s on the planet. Did he forget to include them in his experiment? That could be the issue here

  27. I took an IQ test once, but I never got a score. I just got a little note that said I probably have to think about breathing. I’m not sure, but I think that’s bad.

  28. Watson reported the scientific evidence correctly.

    Where I disagree is that I think intelligence can’t be permanently determined by testing samples of groups of people of various races. I think its fluid and changeable over time. The Jews have the highest average IQ because they’ve had to think their way through millions of bad things. Remember, from 15 AD or so till 1948 they didn’t even have an army to protect them. Survival was based on wits and quick thinking.

    Or, they had to make themselves more useful in their environments to avoid being killed. Like becoming doctors and lawyers. It’s like the Jewish mother: My son, be a doctor or something useful so the Germans (Poles, Cossacks, etc.) won’t kill you.

    Result – Jews have higher IQs. But they can be crazy as loons as well. And, most are still die-hard liberals. High IQ is not everything. Common sense is also important. Jewish liberals are lacking there.

    Hi IQ has zilch to do with being a good person. A HS graduate with a good heart and soul is a better person than most professors.

    Also, that lab that took away Watson’s is doing some serious virtue signaling.


    I know, I researched the top 25 liberals in my city from the mayor, school chancellors, newspaper columnists, activists, NONE of them live anywhere near the top 5 worst black neighborhoods.

    Why is that?

  30. This is nothing more than a baseless attack on reasoned and meticulous research, its common knowledge that even some species of parrot have higher IQ’s than hoodrats.

  31. Galileo Galilei, easily one of the smartest polymaths of his time was ridiculed and ostracized by the church for the audacity to suggest the planets of our solar system rotated around the sun.
    Todays church, the SJW Church of Evil Intent, focused like a laser on keeping their hold on power, are doing the same to this towering intellect.
    Today you can still find a lot of poor idiots who insist, with all the available knowledge, the earth is in fact flat.

  32. @Tim Buktu January 13, 2019 at 11:54 pm

    > The Jews have the highest average IQ because

    Brah, do you even… You know what? I can’t even. You clearly can not math. Must have been all those Super Bowl Half Time beatings you took. But, wait… Let me look at your other argu… Oh… math… very simple math. Sorry about that.

  33. @Anon

    It’s not my math….someone else’s math.

    The reasons I gave for Jews High IQ is just my opinion on how that may have happened. Another possibility is that they ARE God’s chosen. Or, God does help those that are downtrodden and abused…the lowliest amongst us.

    SB half-time beatings??? From who? I don’t get that part at all.

  34. @Tim Buktu January 14, 2019 at 11:36 am

    > It’s not my math….someone else’s math.

    “It’s somebody else’s lie. I just run with it. So, it’s not my fault.”

    (mentally) weak.

    > The reasons I gave for Jews High IQ is just my opinion

    your opinion on…

    > SB half-time beatings

    Now, I’ll admit, that one’s “algebra”, not “math”. But when you’ve already got the numbers in front of you, and have proclaimed your willingness to “prevaricate” (as long as somebody else[‘s sister’s, hairdresser’s, life partner’s, cousin’s, pen pal] said it “first”), claiming to not see the answer, because it — might be — abstract, is just… sad.

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