Scientific Study Proves Liberals are Defective – IOTW Report

Scientific Study Proves Liberals are Defective

Another study confirmed that conservatives are usually more attractive than liberals.

Inferior looks, oddly warped world view… we must find a cure for these defectives.

14 Comments on Scientific Study Proves Liberals are Defective

  1. DRD4 Mutants occupy a post-apocalyptic wasteland of their own making. Our goal is to wall them off, not interbreed and keep them from contaminating our lives.

    And without winding up on Death Row. That’s tricky.

  2. “Almost makes one want to take a second look at eugenics.”

    Why not, they do.

    Make them live by their own rulebook. If they really believe the world is overpopulated, then push them do something REAL about it. Encourage them to Soylent themselves…call it leading by example and denounce them as hypocrites if they demure.

  3. Interesting report, Mark. But couldn’t you let the report stand on its own merits rather than MOTOR MOUTH it to death.

    I do not put you in the conservative inventory. I just put you in the category of someone who HAS to be heard, no matter how obnoxious or outrageous your rants. Don’t inject yourself into what otherwise is a very interesting subject.

  4. Liberals are simply adults in arrested, rebellious adolescence. This makes them attractive, creative, and stupid. They shouldn’t be in charge of anything requiring adult maturity; such as VOTING.
    The movie “Animal House”, as good as it was, is a perfect example of reverse-modeling. That which is good & noble is mocked. That which is violent, degenerate, ugly, is praised. Fine for kids, but adults grow out of it.

  5. Went to a new dentist last week to replace a filling. She was very thorough and seemed to know what she was doing, but it was clear from her mannerisms that she was a little crazy (even more than the average woman) and looked like Margaret Hamilton. I took this to mean she was clearly a liberal. Lo and behold, with all kinds of dental tools disabling my ability to beg her to stop talking, she starts spewing her leftist babble about #metoo. Meanwhile, her face screamed #definitelynotme. They just can’t help themselves. Fix my tooth and shut up.


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