Scientist Baffled at Colder Than Expected Atlantic – IOTW Report

Scientist Baffled at Colder Than Expected Atlantic


NOAA data shows Atlantic sea surface temperatures have cooled at a surprising rate since May. Since June began, temperatures have been a degree or two Fahrenheit colder than normal for this time of year. That means El Niño will likely be replaced by its counterpart, La Niña, a weather system that allows cold water to rise to the surface of the Atlantic, some time between September and November. Both El Niño and La Niña are complex systems driven by trade winds, solar heating, and rainfall in the tropic regions, and can be difficult to predict. Still, the sudden shift in Atlantic temperatures has been puzzling, and nobody seems to know why it’s happened so quickly.

“We’ve gone through the list of possible mechanisms, and nothing checks the box so far,” Frans Philip Tuchen, a postdoctoral student at the University of Miami, told New Scientist. More

23 Comments on Scientist Baffled at Colder Than Expected Atlantic

  1. There is no Leftist Climate Change. Only the climate change we have had for the last 4 billion years. The climate does not answer to twats like Al Gore or Gretta Dumberg.

  2. Remember the Axioms of the climate cult:

    1. If temperatures are up… GLOBAL WARMING!!!

    2. If temperatures are the same… GLOBAL WARMING!!!

    3. If temperatures are down… GLOBAL WARMING!!!

    And the only way to cure global warming is to give up all your wealth and rights and live in the cold and dark eating bugs until you die because… Love is Love you evil hater!!!

  3. “Experts.” From “ex” as in has been, and “spurt” for a drip under pressure.

    Need to throw these “experts” into a volcano somewhere when they are wrong.

  4. The “experts” aren’t informed enough to make the claim of “cooling too fast” as in the next breath claim that “they don’t have an understanding of the mechanism.”

    Can’t have it both ways, idiots. Either you understand the phenomenon or you don’t. If you don’t, then STFU.

  5. In western Washington we have a June we call ‘Juneuary’ some years. This was one of them, loooong daaannnkkk spring. This year we’re having ‘Augvember’ as well. Usually in late August we’ll get a couple days of overcast, cool and some light rain, a warning of things to come, I’ve always thought. This is day 6 of a couple good sets of lightning and wind and rain, with rain most of every day. Over three quarters of an inch, nearly has the ground soaked. Very unusual.

    I talked a few days ago with a late high school age girl who said ‘It’s the hottest it’s ever been the global warming is hitting everywhere… but here.’ She was a nice girl, and she was sincere.

  6. Here at the equator the ice is forming on the decks and the railings. We don’t know how long we can hold out. The ship is stuck in the ice. I blame global warming. Al Gore is a bastard. That is all.

  7. They’re also expecting to see some snow above 7000 ft. in the mountains of Wash. state, N. Idaho and western Montana. I’ve seen snow up by 49 Degrees North ski resort in NE Washington around Labor Day one year when we were cutting firewood and huckleberry picking so it’s not all that unusual.

  8. Actually got a little rain here today in NorCal. Temps are forecast way down in the low 70’s tomorrow. I’ve been putting up a rather long section of Wrought Iron Fence in our back acre this summer. Most of the time in 100 plus. The wife says I’m so tan I should change my name to Valdez and sneak across the border for some free shit. The forecast says we’re back to the 100 next week.

  9. Lots of scientists get baffled because they think everything is knowable through a materialist POV. But because most are atheists, they remain ignorant of God’s creation of the universe as well as His design of all living forms on earth.

    They can remain baffled for eternity for all I care.

  10. Scientific American Journalist: Scientists say they are “baffled” by the decrease in the temperature of the oceans. We have here with us today Dr. Frank Turdoman from Caltech. So Dr. Turdoman, why are you and other scientists baffled by the change in ocean temperatures?

    Dr. Turdoman: Because we know everything there is to know about oceans. So when something like this happens, we get baffled.

    Journalist: But if you know everything about oceans you should not become baffled.

    Dr. Turdoman: Because to say we know everything there is to know about oceans does not mean just in the present sense only. It includes the future because we will know everything then as well as now. If something seems to contradict our knowledge of things, we blame religious God believers for saying so. They just say “God Did It”, and leave it at that. That’s not the scientific way. Religion is false and, as Marx rightfully put it, it’s the Opiate for the Masses.

    Journalist: Thank you very much for your insight, Dr. Turdoman. Our readers will enjoy reading your remarks.


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