Scientist Hope To Create “tiny black holes” Within Large Hadron Collider – IOTW Report

Scientist Hope To Create “tiny black holes” Within Large Hadron Collider


the astoundingly complex LHC “atom smasher” at the CERN center in Geneva, Switzerland, are fired up to its maximum energy levels ever in an endeavor to identify – or perhaps generate – tiny black holes.

If successful a very new universe is going to be exposed – modifying completely not only the physics books but the philosophy books too. 

It is even probable that gravity from our own universe may “transfer” into this parallel universe, researchers at the LHC say. The experiment is assured to accentuate alarmist critics of the LHC, many of whom initially warned the high energy particle collider would start the top of our universe with the making a part of its own. But up to now Geneva stays intact and securely outside the event horizon. More

42 Comments on Scientist Hope To Create “tiny black holes” Within Large Hadron Collider

  1. “What could go wrong?” said the thousands of scientists across the universe just before they created the black holes that we currently see from our telescopes.
    “Observing” and “creating” are two TOTALLY different things.

  2. If the boffins succeed in creating a tiny black hole, what steps do they plan to take to keep it from becoming less tiny?

    Theory says that below a certain mass, black holes possess quantum fuzziness and they evaporate (or something like it) very quickly. But that’s part of the theory that creating tiny black holes is supposed to either disprove or support. If the theory is disproved, that means that their confidence that the tiny black hole won’t grow by accretion is misplaced.

  3. Don’t tell the Vogons or they’ll use it to destroy the Earth to make way for a hyperspace bypass. I wonder what our parallel planet in a different Universe looks like? I’ve read too much scifi and watched too many cheesy sci fi movies to know what the real truth is. Will a mini black hole suck up the Earth and end life as we know it? Who knows but maybe they should err on the side of caution and not mess with something they know nothing about just in case. Will they discover Daleks or Cybermen or worse Weeping Angels?

  4. @ Monkey….Are you sure?…How can you know?…What if we are merely a cell on the finger nail of a giant?….. Bubbles, tiny or otherwise, would be YUGE on our spectrum of knowledge…

  5. Actually, geoff, if you accelerate fast enough, a black hole forms behind you. Then, if you put on the brakes hard enough, one will form in front of you. And then you get sucked up between two colliding black holes and disappear! This is all covererd in my new book, “Quantum Mechanics for Dummies Cranks (and Green New Deal Democrats).”

  6. @MJA the average weekend count seems to be about 30 per week (sometimes 30, sometimes 50 – ok that’s an average of 40). By now, it’s got to be way more than wuhan flu deaths for the past six months in the whole US.

  7. Oh boy, here we go again.

    These people are at the threshold of discovering that black holes are not natural phenomena , and all the black holes in the universe were created long long ago by very smart creatures on other planets, that no longer exist, that were playing around with powerful giant ‘atom smashers’. They too only had about a nanosecond to think, Oh sh__ what did we…! Before they vanished along with everyone else, and their planet.

  8. I think there is a Larry Niven story from the 1970’s in which a microscopic black hole is released from containment. It starts oscillating through the core of the planet, and scientists estimate that it will take about 6 months before the black hole totally consumes the planet. “What could go wrong” indeed.

  9. Can vs should. I’m not sure these eggheads thought it through. Though if biden wins I hope the black holes are successful and effective and persistent. Or at least draw a SMOD down for a visit.

  10. @Quinn:

    I think there is a Larry Niven story from the 1970’s in which a microscopic black hole is released from containment. It starts oscillating through the core of the planet…

    Perhaps he did, but you’re accurately describing Brin’s Earth, published in 1990.


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