Scientists: Asian Pollution Causing West Coast Smog – IOTW Report

Scientists: Asian Pollution Causing West Coast Smog

BreitbartCA: Air quality in some East Asian capitals is famously poor, with residents of Beijing taking extreme measures to avoid the health risks associated with heavy pollution.

The problem has grown worse as emerging Asian economies, particularly China, have increased their use of high-sulfur coal and private automobiles.

Now, scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warn that East Asian pollution may be causing smog along the West Coast of the United States, as nitrogen oxides move on air currents across the Pacific Ocean.  more

SNIP: Hmm… That sounds kinda racist, doesn’t it?

14 Comments on Scientists: Asian Pollution Causing West Coast Smog

  1. We are soon going to have a lot of out-of-work former EPA staffers on unemployment. Give them all a free one-way ticket to China. Let them ruin the Chinese economy like they wrecked ours.

  2. But the wind (air currents) doesn’t disperse them (nitrogen oxides – the fuckin chinks are burning Nitrogen from their “high-Sulfur” coal?) over 3000 miles?
    And the wind travels on a direct vector from Peking to CA?

    I’m not a chemist or a wind-o-logist, but this sounds like BULLSHIT.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Worry not guys, Canada got this covered. Post-nationalist pretty boy globalist Justin Trudeau’s carbon “tax” – which is completely not a wealth transfer pay-off to his liberal cronies and globalist buddies – will solve this problem.

    You’re welcome.

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