Scientists blast U.S. push for Covid vaccine booster shots as premature, say data isn’t compelling – IOTW Report

Scientists blast U.S. push for Covid vaccine booster shots as premature, say data isn’t compelling


  • Scientists sharply criticized the Biden administration’s push to widely distribute Covid booster shots, saying the data provided by U.S. officials wasn’t compelling.
  • While data suggests there is a reduction in protection against mild and moderate disease, the shots still held up well against severe disease, scientists said.
  • “The data are showing that yes, we are seeing breakthrough infections but, the infections are mild or moderate colds,” said Johns Hopkins University’s Dr. Anna Durbin.

Scientists sharply criticized the Biden administration’s push to widely distribute Covid-19 vaccine booster shots in the U.S. next month, saying the data provided by federal health officials this week wasn’t compelling enough to recommend third shots to most of the American population right now.

U.S. health leaders say they are preparing to offer booster shots to all eligible Americans beginning the week of Sept. 20. The plan, outlined Wednesday by CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock, White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci and other health officials, calls for a third dose eight months after people get their second shot of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.


9 Comments on Scientists blast U.S. push for Covid vaccine booster shots as premature, say data isn’t compelling

  1. In order to keep the scam going they need a counter to the fact that the previously vaxxed are still getting and transmitting covid.
    Therefore, they answer to why is “because they need a booster.”

    Meanwhile the mandatory vax is in full swing with employers, businesses, and all these other cocksuckers demanding it.
    I will NEVER comply!

  2. Those chicom virus ‘boosters’ are nothing more than propellants to increase the pain, suffering, maiming, and eventual (be it now or later) death from the lethal injections. For those who do survive the deadly vaxx they aren’t protected and spread around the virus–which is actually the plan of big pharma and global elite cartel. Add that those false boosters being pimped out by failedbiden and his sinister accomplices is a money-making scheme, nothing more. Add also that the more he and others try to peddle the junk the more of a reaction by Americans thereby the more distraction to the stolen election by Democrats and the current investigations. ‘DISTRACTION’ is their main event and focus.

  3. …BOOSTER shots? The data isn’t compelling for ANY of these fake, lethal, pretending to be “Vaccine” shots, let’s start THERE and we don’t have to WORRY about “boosting” something that does more harm than good in the FIRST place…


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