Scientists Claim Long Covid Is a Thing – IOTW Report

Scientists Claim Long Covid Is a Thing


The research is among the first to prove that “long Covid is, in fact, a biological illness,” said David Putrino, principal investigator of the new study and a professor of rehabilitation and human performance at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York.

Dr. Marc Sala, co-director of the Northwestern Medicine Comprehensive Covid-19 Center in Chicago, called the findings “important.” He was not involved with the new research.

“This will need to be investigated with more research, but at least it’s something because, quite frankly, right now we don’t have any blood tests” either to diagnose long Covid or help doctors understand why it’s occurring, he said. More

16 Comments on Scientists Claim Long Covid Is a Thing

  1. Heatsync TUESDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2023, 19:52 AT 7:52 PM
    “Be curious to know how many of those who claim to have long Covid also got The Jab (TM). Whaddya wanna be there’s a connection?”

    The vaxxx destroys your immune systems.

    Opportunistic infections include respiratory infections.

    ANY respiratory problem is ascribed to Coof.

    Doctors refuse to include or even investigate vaxxx status.

    The resultant infections mess is then used to scare more people into having their immune systems destroyed.

    Lather, rinse, repeat.

    …but they don’t poison EVERYONE. Too obvious.

    So some get the saline, others get the venom.

    Don’t think it isn’t targeted, either

    They know EXACTLY who they’re killing.

  2. Wife had some lingering issues with loss of sense of smell from her encounter with whatever this was. A couple of months of taking nattokinase regularly is making a significant impact and smells are returning. Never trust bigPharma for anything.

  3. Heatsync TUESDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER 2023, 19:52 AT 7:52 PM

    Be curious to know how many of those who claim to have long Covid also got The Jab (TM). Whaddya wanna be there’s a connection?

    I’d bet that that is so, but I don’t trust any of the doctors already involved in this modern version of the holocaust to tell the truth about it.

  4. @ SNS
    “…but they don’t poison EVERYONE. Too obvious.”


    That’s exactly how we do bird control when using poisoned corn/feed.

    Maybe 5% of the feed you put out – tops – is poisoned. 2% is a good place to start. You need a lot of trips to complete the job without setting of panic alarms with the birds and with the observers nearby (the P.R. angle). Time for your 10th booster, you little pigeon, you.

    That way the birds don’t get immediately wise to everyone dying when they eat it, and observers don’t get excited that the birds are all dying at once where you set it out.

    Bad P.R., and bad logistical strategy regarding the pests themselves.


  5. One thing that is a medical fact -psychosomatic syndrome, where it’s all in your head.
    No doubt induced by simpletons having it drilled into their heads by MSM 24/7.

    Ahh, the madness of crowds!


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