Scientists: Common sleep aid could be used to help prevent or treat COVID-19 – IOTW Report

Scientists: Common sleep aid could be used to help prevent or treat COVID-19

Just The News: Researchers at the renowned Cleveland Clinic say melatonin, a dietary supplement that is used as a sleep aid for people suffering from insomnia, could be employed to help prevent or treat COVID-19.

Melatonin was associated with a nearly 30% reduction in the likelihood of contracting the virus, the scientists said in research published in the journal PLOS Biology, KIRO-TV reported.

“Lead researcher Dr. Feixiong Cheng, Ph.D., and his team used artificial intelligence to comb through a COVID-19 registry at the Cleveland Clinic, which included nearly 27,000 people. They found people who take melatonin are nearly 28% less likely to test positive for COVID,” the station reported. more

23 Comments on Scientists: Common sleep aid could be used to help prevent or treat COVID-19

  1. The CDC, WHO, FDA and every other alphabet bureaucratic governmental control organization has declared this report to be false, misleading and thoroughly debunked. Any questions?

  2. I find it amazing the simple things that prevent or treat this “deadly kung flu”, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine with Zithromax and zinc, zithromax and steroid and now melatonin.

    I remember one of the doctors said it was 65% the same as the common cold, so the next time I get a cold I’m going to add ivermectin or melatonin to my zinc and vitamin C.

  3. How is it that simple over-the counter meds like melatonin, 60 year-old malaria treatments like HCQ, and common minerals and vitamins like zinc and vitamin D kick the ass of an alleged pandemic killer virus, but we have to endure lockdowns, masks quarantines and sketchy vaccines for what is being revealed to be a bad cold at worst? It’s almost like they want us to know it’s bullshit, that they’ll do as they please and that there’s nothing we can do about it.

  4. I come to this site every day, I have never posted. For me, my son and my father(89 years old) this virus was a cake walk we had symptoms but less than a typical cold. My wife of 28 years has been in a hospital since Dec. 3 and on a Ventilator for 18 days. She a little overweight, and has controlled high blood pressure, no other chronic conditions she 60 years old. Sometimes its your turn to be the 1% Be care-full, for your loved ones it may not be just a cold

  5. I read somewhere that your Vitamin D level is the single most important factor in whether or not you catch covid and whether or not you die from it if you do.

    Don’t remember where I read it, I think it was an actual study, I’ll see if I can find it.

  6. Along with Vitamins C, D and Zinc, due to allergies I take a Zyrtec everyday and use an allergy nasal spray. All this seems to be keeping everything in check (at least for me).

  7. I have read that taking Vitamin D might inhibit your own natural creation of melatonin and stop you from sleeping at night. So, be careful what time of day you take your Vitamin D. READ up on it. 🙂

  8. @JustAl, @Tim, @President Elect Crackerbaby Thank you for thoughts. I am a Christian conservative and how ever it comes out we will be OK. The point of the post is sometimes the right suffers from the same echo chamber mentality that we blame the libs for, by suggesting that its just a cold we loose sight of the fact that China unleashed a pandemic on the world, an act of war. China must be held accountable. Just my rant thanks

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