Scientists Force Electrons To Form A Material Of Their Own – IOTW Report

Scientists Force Electrons To Form A Material Of Their Own


For the first time, scientists have managed to create and take images of a Wigner crystal: a bizarre material, made entirely out of electrons, that was first theorized 90 years ago.

Scientists managed to arrange the electrons into a honeycomb-like lattice by sandwiching them in an electric field between two atom-thin layers of tungsten compounds, according to research published in the journal Nature last week. The ability to tame them — which scientists accomplished by exploiting the tiniest differences in the atomic structures of the two tungsten layers — marks an incredible experimental achievement that has, until now, eluded the most accomplished labs in physics. More

I’m not sure what the application for this feat would be, but I’m sure some genius will make a faster computer or more lethal bomb. – Dr. Tar

24 Comments on Scientists Force Electrons To Form A Material Of Their Own

  1. I don’t know what advanced technology this will be applied to, but I guarandamntee you Joe Biden and General Milley will give it to the Chinese before the month is over.

  2. @Dr. Tar — It looks to me as though the valuable piece of this lab work is the new technique used to image the Wigner crystal using a scanning tunneling microscope insulated from the fragile objective by a sheet of graphene. There’s more about that in the Nature article linked at the end of the Futurism article.

  3. This is “Pure Research”. Wake me up when they can consider it “Applied Research”.
    There are some new “Thermal Metals” out there that they are just finding use for. Thermal Metal, beat it, crash it, destroy it, bend the F out of it. Heat it up and it retains it’s original properties. Cool shit.

  4. “The ability to tame them — which scientists accomplished by exploiting the tiniest differences in the atomic structures…”

    Sounds like faggot shit, to me. But I hope some faggots are involved. And some faggot negroes. That’s the best — faggot negroes.

    They will make a movie about it in 2022. “The Faggot Negro Who Started A 1973 VW Beetle All By Himself”

    It will be a HIT!

  5. @Brad — If you haven’t done so (and there’s no reason I know of that you would have), check out the buzz-generating use of Nitinol, a thermal memory nickel titanium alloy.

    The lab boffins (pun intended) are working on a Nitinol penile implant to treat erectile dysfunction.

    I am not making this up.

  6. Uncle Al

    LOL, “Hang on baby, let me light the blow torch”. We recently got approval for F35 parts and I’ve seen two quotes, so far for Thermal Memory Material. NuTi. Not a big fan of Nickel, but I love machining Ti. Damn stable stuff.
    I have some really good stories about Ti, 6AL-4V, and how it turns to powder at really high temps. Surprised the shit out of me and the young engineering staff I was working with. But the old geezers in the Basement of Raytheon M and S knew it. The engineering group watched all telemetry disappear during a sled test. Not cheap. And when they went to examine WTF, the part that bolted on to the exterior of the rocket, directly above the flame, was gone. LOL, good times.
    The most intelligent people I’ve ever worked with. They made tuff projects fun. The good old days

  7. The movie after that will be “Joe Biden Starts An Old Car.”

    “Joe, you gotta pull the choke…”

    “Mah DICK!”

    “Not your dick, the fucking choke.”

    “I pulled mah dick! Some… my pants smell… SHIT!”

    “You shit your trousers, Joey, but we’re talking about the choke and the starter.”

    “CHOKE! DICK!”

    I shouldn’t make fun of retards, but whatever.

  8. Uncle Al

    Man I’d love to share a couple beers with you sometime. I would retire, but I enjoy what I do to much. NASA Ames was a huge influence on the trade while growing up in the Bay Area. Some damn smart people. Even more fun was living through the evolution of Cad/cam software. It’s a video game now days. And the possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

  9. Suspicious Cat sez: “Is this another one of those gain-of-function thingies no one can control if it gets out of hand?”

    How much longer do Americans have to work for the mop-up on this one?


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