Scientists name new spider species after Barack, Michelle and Bernie – IOTW Report

Scientists name new spider species after Barack, Michelle and Bernie

Barack and Michelle Obama and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., are being immortalized by researchers who decided to name a species of spiders after them.

A group of scientists recently discovered 15 new species of the Spintharus spider, known for what appears to be a smiling face. Researchers believed only one species existed, found in North America and parts of Northern Brazil.

Wash Exam-

Since each spider is only local to each country, including Jamaica, Cuba and Puerto Rico, biology professor Ingi Agnarsson said each separate species required its individual name.

“In naming these spiders, the students and I wanted to honor people who stood up for both human rights and warned about climate change — leaders and artists who promoted sensible approaches for a better world,” Agnarsson said.

As a Vermont-based team, the undergraduate students decided to bestow the honor on the states socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, naming one of the species Spintharus berniesandersi.

“Our time on this earth is limited…But I think that ideas are not that way. It is my hope that through naming that spider after Bernie we can remember the ideas that he has at this pivotal point in the life of our nation,” researcher Lily Sargeant told

There is also a Spintharus barackobamai and S. michelleobamaae, named after the former president and first lady.

Actor Leonardo DiCaprio also has a species of Spintharus named after him for his environmental activism.


ht/ fdr in hell

29 Comments on Scientists name new spider species after Barack, Michelle and Bernie

  1. “Our time on this earth is limited…

    Wait a second. Scrreeeeetch this shit to a halt. Since when is our limited time on Earth more valuable than the limited time of Earth itself?!@?!?#$? #ClimateChage

  2. I think that if they want to accurately “honor” this bunch that all of these “species” should be named “Spintharus self-serving-lying-sack of pig shit-communist-traitorous-worse than worthless-vile-evil-scum sucking-parasitical-whoring-satan worshiping-baby killing-soon to be turned to ash” spider.

  3. Actually everything finally comes nicely together. Any of those honored individuals stands for nothing but shit, piles and piles of it. Shit attracts flies. Flies and spiders are marriage in heaven. Got it ? 😉

  4. The fraud of Basement Radon Abatement can be easily exposed by the fact if you have spiders in your basement, you don’t have a radon problem. Plus, radon has a half life of only 3.8 days.

    Another fleecing of the sheep.

  5. Creepy. Ugly. Hairy. Universally disliked.
    Yup, that’s a critter you name after the First Mooch!

    Has anyone every endeavored to name bowel movement shapes? That’s a match right there.

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