Scientists Now Know Why Hummingbirds Hum – IOTW Report

Scientists Now Know Why Hummingbirds Hum


One of the big challenges in decoding the hum of a hummingbird is the fact that its wings move so incredibly fast. You need some pretty fancy equipment to actually study the birds with any degree of accuracy, but researchers at Stanford were able to design a system comprised of microphones, cameras, and pressure sensors that are sensitive enough to detect the air pressure changes created by the flapping wings. This allowed them to generate a “3D acoustic model” that finally revealed the secrets of hummingbird hums.

The hum is generated from “the pressure difference between the topside and underside of the wings, which changes both in magnitude and orientation as the wings flap back and forth,” a press release accompanying the study explains.  More

21 Comments on Scientists Now Know Why Hummingbirds Hum

  1. Love Hummingbirds they have a big personality for such a little bird. I sure miss Big Daddy,😿 trying to train the Ruby Throated male in my yard to feed from my hand, he needs a name, that’s the project for the weekend. 😉

  2. Damn little hummingbirds. Several weeks ago we got a about 20” of snow and I was doing a bit of shoveling. I stopped and sat on the rail of a deck and the darn little thing must have been attracted to my hat because when I looked up he was so close to me he could have stuck his beak in my eye. Nearly caused me to fall backwards off the deck. And I didn’t hear any humming to warn me.

  3. Is this a Captain Obvious riff? If you move pretty much anything back and forth through the air at a rate somewhere between 20 and 15,000 times per second, it makes a sound. And if you move pretty much anything through the air, there will be higher pressure on the forward side than on the back side.

    How many taxpayer dollars went to those CONnecticut men?

  4. I thought they were cool, always buzzing around my yard. Then I put up feeders all around my deck.

    Total disaster. Couldn’t sit out there, they fight for the nectar all around your head. Nectar also attracts Carolina brown wasps who built a huge nest in the house eaves.

    Welcome nature to your home and it will kick your a$$.

  5. “Yea, well gee, I figured that out the first time I saw one. I think I was 3.”
    Should’ve waited. Could hve got a million dollar grant for 3 seconds of work.


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