Scientists Say They Are On the Verge of “Printing” Internal Organs – IOTW Report

Scientists Say They Are On the Verge of “Printing” Internal Organs

They are confident that they will be printing human organs sometime in the next decade.

The technique is interesting.

25 Comments on Scientists Say They Are On the Verge of “Printing” Internal Organs

  1. That thing is nowhere near being able to print life, unless you can somehow make life out of plastic resin.

    Life only comes from living organisms, nowhere else.

  2. “When they get to the point where they can print external organs, Iā€™d like a Wurlitzer, please.”

    …there used to be a shop in the local mall that had some elecric keyboards in the windows, but the place was called “Katy’s Happy Organs”, so I’m not sure if they’d be able to hook you up or if they sold something COMPLETELY different, @Vietvet, but it might be an interesting place to try either way…

  3. Just got video to play. Scientist said that they may even be able to make livers. If they ever make kidneys, it will put the Chinese out of business. What will they then use their political dissenters for?

  4. Awesome! Combine this technology with what is being developed in The Kidney Project at UCSF and maybe the timeline will be sooner than a decade away. šŸ‘


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