Scooper Pooper – IOTW Report

Scooper Pooper


An Arizona TV reporter has been charged with a misdemeanor for allegedly defecating in someone’s front yard. It appears Jonathan Lowe, 33, may lose his job as well: In its brief report about the on-the-job incident last week, Phoenix station KPHO/KTVK refers to Lowe as “a former KPHO/KTVK reporter.” And, although the station’s news director told the New York Daily News Wednesday that Lowe was still employed, his bio on the station website was no longer active. A police spokesman tells People that Lowe was covering a story in the city of Goodyear when things went south. “Apparently he needed to relieve himself,” the spokesman says. “So he walked up to the side of a home and, in the front yard, defecated.”


A resident, who says she spotted Lowe squat against the wall of a house and let go, called authorities, according to the police report. “I know what you want to talk to me about,” he reportedly said to police, explaining, “I’ve been feeling very sick and I’ve been stuck in this van all day. So I went over to that person’s yard and took care of business.” Lowe told police that he had to stay in the area, so heading to a nearby market to unburden his bowels was out. The neighbor, who recognized Lowe from TV, tells police she would have let Lowe use her bathroom, if only he’d asked. “Those people who called on me just wanted to start problems,” Lowe reportedly told police.

13 Comments on Scooper Pooper

  1. Then he should have prepared himself with a bucket in the van.
    Or called in sick
    Lazlo lives in AZ I have to endure this swish on my TV when I need some weather news.
    Dresses like like a Poncy Poof.
    No self control
    He’ll probably be promoted

  2. Wow… Notice how he had no idea what a fucked up thing this was to do? Notice how he was too stupid to even think of an alternate plan other than shitting on someone’s lawn? What kind of animal upbringing did that asshole have to think this was a good idea or even excusable? I’m 55 years old, and the last time I took a shit on a lawn was when I was two.

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