Scooter’s News Round-Up – IOTW Report

Scooter’s News Round-Up

World News Bureau – ‘News at the speed of typing’


Oprah Witnesses Prison Violence In 60 Minutes Report

Oprah Winfrey visited California’s Pelican Bay State Prison to report on conditions in the isolation unit that critics charge constitutes torture.

In the upcoming 60 Minutes segment, prisoners are seen screaming in anguish and attempting to harm themselves by pounding their heads against walls and cell doors.

The warden later denied prison conditions had anything to do with the incident, pointing to more than a dozen lawsuits filed by prisoners citing ‘cruel and inhumane punishment’ because of Winfrey’s presence. “It’s bad enough being in prison, then Oprah? They were begging for the chair.”



Butt Plug Vulnerable To Hacks

Researchers have discovered a serious security flaw with a Bluetooth-enabled butt plug that allows hackers to remotely take control of the vibrating sex toy.

The device is designed to be a ‘long-distance love toy’ and is described as ‘the world’s first teledildonic butt plug that can be controlled from anywhere.’



8 Comments on Scooter’s News Round-Up

  1. how about a special oprah winfrey 60 minutes report on the victims of these criminals in solitary who claim they are being tortured (by maybe their soul) and the lives the victims have had to lead since being subjected to the torture of having been victimized by said criminals ?

    that’s the one I want to “emote” over.

  2. If you weren’t at the trial and don’t know the circumstances that got them tossed in jail, how can you realistically believe they’re worth saving, or not?
    The left is soooooo shallow.

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