Scotland TV Guide Insults Incoming U.S. President – IOTW Report

Scotland TV Guide Insults Incoming U.S. President

This is their TV Guide listing for the Inauguration broadcast.—-

50 Comments on Scotland TV Guide Insults Incoming U.S. President

  1. An insular, completely homogenous country which has never produced a single thing of merit (including R. Burns), imagining itself qualified to understand or comment upon what transpires in a country ten thousand times better and more complex than it.

  2. Scotland is now pretty much a welfare state. It has the most generous social safety net in Europe paid for by the rest of Great Britain (read England) and if it weren’t for the socialist MP’s being sent to Westminister England would actually be a conservative country able to do something about being overrun by these refugees few of which seem to end up in Scotland. They are threatening to have another referendum over leaving Great Britain over Brexit and if the English people are smart they won’t spend a dime fighting it but instead use the time organizing how things will split up. Funny thing is, the EU has already shown it’s doubts about having Scotland as a member by itself revealing that it’s England they’re really after. Kick the sods out once and for all.

  3. “Enufizenuf’s point is not contradicted.”

    I beg to differ. The key word in the statement is “never.” Therein lies the contradiction, outlier or not.

    And then there’s haggis….

  4. TV Guide? REALLY? Has Scotland not heard about the digital age? Here in the first world, we just click “Guide” on the remote to see what’s on TeeVee. Sounds like another welfare state make-work project to me.

  5. flip, to your point you can add James Clerk Maxwell or John Baird with outs who’s work, ironically, we may not have had cell phones for Twitter or TV’s for The Apprentice.

    but as my Granny always says” Dinnae teach yer Granny tae suck eggs”

  6. Trump’s mom was Scottish, wasn’t she?

    So, it may be that Scotland has, at least, contributed Donald Trump to the world.

    Thanks, Scotland. We couldn’t have Made America Great Again without you.

  7. Scotland complained that they were part of Britain, but when it came time to vote on EXIT, they balked, opting for the Free Sh!t of the Labour [sic] Nanny State, instead.

    The LAST FREE SCOTSMEN died at the Culloden Massacre in the 1745 rising. These misanthropes are merely the namesakes of the lowland scum who stood by and watched the real men perish.

  8. One nameless Millenial beta-boy copywriter does not speak for all Scotland.
    And that one useless prog-twat proves the BBC no longer employs copy editors, or proofreaders.

  9. Most Americans associate Scotland with the movie “Braveheart” but that Scotland is as dead as the Old West of California. Scotland and Ireland are not freedom-loving anymore. They are virulently Socialist.

  10. And Oil Field is right about the genocide at Culloden. Eliminate the brave men’s DNA from the gene pool and you can rule over the sheep.

    This explains the French. Napoleon bled all the bravery out of 3 generations of the French gene pool. The Marne and Verdun continued the process.
    By 1939 all that was left were the culls, who couldn’t surrender fast enough.

    Ditto the English and, we see now, the German DNA pool as well.

  11. OK, America!

    Who’s the present King of the Scots?
    Or Prime Minister of Scotland?

    Yeah, that’s what I thought … not only does nobody know – but NOBODY GIVES A FUCK!
    Rubbing your dick, there, with jealousy, Scotland?

    Fuck off …

    (I’m descended from Scots – there’s a reason we left – and it wasn’t ALL about the missing sheep)

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. History ebbs and flows. The Scots were at one time possibly the most ignorant and backward people in Europe. They went from that to one of the worlds most advanced peoples. Besides Watt, there was Adam Smith (economics), Joseph Black (chemistry), Robert Burns and Sir Walter Scott (literature) among others. Many of the top engineers in the world were from Scotland about the time the Industrial Revolution was starting. An excellent brief history of Scotland can be found in the chapter ‘The British’ in Thomas Sowell’s book “Conquests and Cultures”.

    It seems as though the world population is about evenly divided between producers and parasites but that doesn’t mean they are equally distributed. Where an area contains 70% or more producers, it does extremely well but it also attracts parasites because that’s where they feed.

  13. Back to the snarky/insulting Scots TV Guide description of the inauguration:

    It occurs to me Trump’s new US Ambassador to the U.K. will see that this is dealt with, and no further insults to the USA in future.

  14. Nice Trump golf course you’ve got in Scotland. It’d be a shame if Mr. Trump was to divest. Of course this little shitpickle may not be representative of the whole country.

  15. Lyn MacDonald’s “To The Last Man: Spring, 1918” will make you weep at the bravery and sacrifice of the Scots. But 100 years has passed, and it seems that the leftovers are … well … leftovers!

    izlamo delenda est …

  16. @Tim – it turns out the Scots have been some of the most creative and productive people in the US when large portions immigrated here after Culloden. A lot of them came over as indentured sevants. Yes – black folk – you are not the only slaves in history. And they helped build settlements and towns.

    When you watch the credits for 70’s, 80’s and 90’s TV series and sitcoms, notice the last names of the writers and producers.

  17. @AC–12:37 PM

    Excellent comment, AC, to remind all of Scotland of PE Trump’s mother’s origins.

    I’m pretty certain that TV Guide ‘writer’ thought he/she (Hey, maybe it really IS a he/she!) was being so cute in rendering their own sordid opinion of our president-elect.

    May Nessie rise from the depths and pounce upon IT!

  18. Trump’s inauguration will be considerably less gaudy and infinitely more classy than 0bama’s 10-ball extravaganza was, if only because Melania will not be wearing a dress made out of toilet paper wads or one with black widow markings.

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