The Massachusetts man who was arrested on Monday at the US Capitol armed with Molotov cocktails and knives was transgender. Local news outlet WWLP reports the man, named in the affidavit as Ryan Michael “Reily” English, was known as Riley Jane English, a 24-year-old transgender person. WWLP states that English is “a woman who lived in South Deerfield.” English had told officers he was intending to kill Scott Bessent.
WWLP had initially reported on English by given name Ryan, but in their updated report they state that “This story previously identified the defendant as Ryan Michael English, the name used in charging documents. In a memo Wednesday, English’s attorney clarified that her client uses the name Riley Jane.”
“Judith dear god I am so sorry,” read words scrawled on the back of a receipt found in English’s pocket, per the affidavit. “You must understand I can feel myself dying slowly b/c of my heart. This is terrible but I cant do nothing while nazis kill my sisters. I love you. This is awful. Im so sorry. I love u. Please stay alive and heal. you can. you are strong enough. F*ck them for pushing us so far. you dont deserve this. Im so sorry for lying and plotting and lying. Please survive [7 hearts].” more here
Trans-woman on a mission or… Revenge of the Insane Gomorrahns!
This …person… will forever be a lethal menace; in common parlance a “ticking time bomb” in our midst. What to do about people like this? I don’t know, but letting them walk around free seems like a bad idea.
That’s the way to prove Trans people are mentally healthy and should be allowed in society: have two profile cases of Trans people killing or trying to kill people in high profile cases.
RadioMattM – Then they shove DEI down our throats and into the HR office to make us accept them as “normal”
Re the air crash in DC Wednesday night… this is being hotly disputed, but I have seen multiple sources claim that the pilot of the Blackhawk was this trans person.:
SM Observed is from my former home town of Santa Monica, a small paper but conservative and generally confirms sources before publishing. They have published other national stories that caught the lamestream media off guard.
Note that ‘Jo Ellis’ has posted that she, I mean he, I mean… is very much alive and mad at the claim. But this could easily be a friend posting in his dead stead.
Homos are fundamentally narcissistic, sometimes malignantly so. Their relationships are typically sado-masochistic; so a homo’s happy place is being reviled by others and either getting pounded on or doing the pounding. If you try to tolerate them, they’ll just keep upping the ante on their perverted behavior until you have no other choice but to revile them again.
There are good reasons why faggots have been universally marginalize throughout human history in all cultures. If empowered, they are often compelled to do evil by their warped sexual mentality.
^^^^ LCD
So the transjenga pilot killed himself and all the innocents because DJT is eliminating mental illness from Armed Services which proves the point
Looks like ‘Jo Ellis’ has now posted a video. So he was definitely not on that Blackhawk.
LCD, I saw that video, too. At first I didn’t have the audio turned on and figured that she was one of the female pilots they said was on the helicopter. Then I turned on the audio and just rolled my eyes.
He soon will be kicked out of the service. President Trump will see that every transgender in our military will be removed.
This is an interview with Andy Ngo regarding the shooting death of a Border Patrol agent in Vermont:
Trans terror cell in America allegedly involved in serial killings
Dammit LCD and Claudia! I have to go look for this video myself?
Here is the video. Watch it w/o sound for the first few seconds, then listen to the audio! – Claudia