Scott Pruitt’s Head Bodyguard Takes On The ‘False Dirty Laundry’ Being Spread About EPA – IOTW Report

Scott Pruitt’s Head Bodyguard Takes On The ‘False Dirty Laundry’ Being Spread About EPA

DC: Many of the accusations against Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt and his close aides were concocted by “disgruntled employees” looking to damage the agency, the former head of Pruitt’s security detail said.

“I believe at the end of the day, these are disgruntled employees — staffers — who, for whatever reason, decided to air dirty laundry — false dirty laundry to the press,” Nino Perrotta told The Daily Caller News Foundation in an exclusive interview.

Perrotta served as the special agent in charge of Pruitt’s security detail for about a year, leading the administrator’s protective detail as actuations of overspending and ethical violations. Congress and EPA’s Office of Inspector General have multiple investigations into Pruitt’s actions.

Perrotta retired at the end of April, ending his 14-year career at EPA amid investigations into Pruitt’s security arrangements — including his 24/7 detail, hiring of more agents, and flying first class when traveling.

Former EPA official Kevin Chmielewski detailed many accusations against Pruitt, Perrotta and other top aides to congressional Democrats. Many of the accusations were “intentionally used to mislead the American people,” Perrotta told TheDCNF.  read more

3 Comments on Scott Pruitt’s Head Bodyguard Takes On The ‘False Dirty Laundry’ Being Spread About EPA

  1. Getting Pruitt is only 1/2 the mission. They also want to discourage anyone with the same goal of Pruitt from volunteering for the job, or he/she will get the same character assasination.


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