Scott Pruitt’s Resignation Hasn’t Stopped EPA From Eliminating Regulations – IOTW Report

Scott Pruitt’s Resignation Hasn’t Stopped EPA From Eliminating Regulations


The Environmental Protection Agency took a victory lap Monday, releasing a report that highlights all of the agency’s accomplishments in 2018.

“Over the past year, the Trump Administration has continued to deliver on its promise to provide greater regulatory certainty while protecting public health and the environment,” EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler said in a Monday statement.

Among the agency’s major achievements related to its deregulatory agenda. The EPA finalized 13 deregulatory actions in 2018 — averaging at a rate of at least one rule a month. The EPA has altogether finalized 33 deregulatory actions since President Donald Trump assumed office, saving American taxpayers nearly $2 billion in regulatory costs.

“Thanks to President Trump’s leadership, we are providing states and the regulated community the certainty they need to advance new technologies, improve environmental protections, and enhance economic growth,” Wheeler continued in another statement.

The EPA also had plenty of environmental accomplishments to boast about.  read more

4 Comments on Scott Pruitt’s Resignation Hasn’t Stopped EPA From Eliminating Regulations


    Never forget what regulations really are: pay to play.

    The gov’t sets up regulations. Non supporters wait behind the velvet rope, pay and pay and pay, stamp after stamp, approval process after approval process. (Ex: The I.R.S.)

    DONORS GET WAIVED THROUGH. Nothing is faster in government than the waiver process.

    That’s why they are set up under the guise of “saving the environment.” What it is is saving their pocketbook with plenty of re-election funds pouring in for favoritism.

    Never forget what regulations are really for.

  2. There is so much to do that even Trump won’t be able to get it all done or even most of it. So what’s to come next? There isn’t likely going to be another Trump coming along for a very long time.

  3. Fantastic, however, a new admin can simply put the regs back in place, and then some.

    Don McGhan gave an interesting talk this morning on just this (26 min).

    He spoke in detail to the TX v obamacare challenge making it’s way thru the courts and “IF” it gets to SCOTUS, the possible outcome particular to Roberts ruling (not optimistic).

    Further, a HUGE accomplishment the Trump admin could/should challenge is Chevron (1984), wherein taking back powers from the unelected bureaucracy to make laws via regulations. He stated Gorsuch and Kavanaugh were selected specific to this. Don’t know where this stands or if the feckless DOJ has even engaged on this.


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