SCOTUS- Colorado Cannot Remove Trump From the Ballot – IOTW Report

SCOTUS- Colorado Cannot Remove Trump From the Ballot


Donald Trump scored a massive victory in the 2024 election on Monday—and it came from the Supreme Court, not the voting booth. The court ruled unanimously that the former president should not be disqualified from appearing on the ballot in Colorado because of his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, reports the Washington Post.

  • Not a surprise: The court heard arguments last month, and both conservative and liberal justices appeared to be reluctant to keep him off the ballot. Trump had challenged Colorado’s decision to exclude him.
  • Impact: Had the Colorado ruling stood, Trump likely would have been removed from the ballot in states around the country. Thus, Monday’s decision “was the court’s most important ruling concerning a presidential election since Bush v. Gore handed the presidency to George W. Bush in 2000,” per the New York Times.
  • Unusually fast: This ruling came much faster than most, with the court apparently rushing to issue it before this week’s Super Tuesday voting, when Colorado and more than a dozen other states vote in primaries. Trump is expected to further cement his giant lead over Nikki Haley in the Republican race.

16 Comments on SCOTUS- Colorado Cannot Remove Trump From the Ballot

  1. The court should have also ruled that president Trump has yet to be found guilty of anything, let alone “insurrection”. I thought we were supposed to be innocent until we are found guilty by due process. I guess that is just an out dated notion like the rest of the constitution.

  2. Well, Tony…they did rule the states had no enforcement powers in federal election matters. One could argue that makes the criminal proceedings moot, as they’re states attempting to prosecute. Notice there were ZERO references to DOJ powers.

  3. I’m sure their plan B will now be an assassination, with help and guidance from the DOJ and they’ll throw in a hand full of free get out of jail cards to their paid shadows, plus full retirement.

  4. Libturd Rep. Ruskin is already scheming:

    “Obviously the Supreme Court did not want to step up to the plate and deal with the clear textualist meaning of Section Three of the 14th Amendment, much less did they want to deal with the original purposes of Section Three of the 14th Amendment, which was to keep off of keep out of federal office, people who had already proven themselves disloyal and untrustworthy.”

    He claims the SC “punted” because they it did not want to deal with Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. I always took it to be the job of the SC to interpret federal and state laws in light of the US Constitution, like the Colorado one intended to keep Pres. Trump off the ballot. Even the liberals on the SC must have blanched at the sheer arrogance of the Colorado court.

    In reaction to the 9-0 ruling against the Colorado law, Ruskin claims the SC was not doing its job. Now he wants Congress to have the final say. Talk about overturning the “democracy” that the liberals are always howling about.

    Ruskin is a bastard, a SOB, and an enemy of the people.


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