SCOTUS Decision – Thoughts for Those of Us Who Feel Defeated. – IOTW Report

SCOTUS Decision – Thoughts for Those of Us Who Feel Defeated.

55 Comments on SCOTUS Decision – Thoughts for Those of Us Who Feel Defeated.

  1. Beijing fucked up Biden will never ever be our President. 🤬

    Forgive me Lord for my outrage and please we pray you show mercy on our country, and save us from this evil. 🕊️❤️🙏🇺🇸

  2. even steven; hint, made one as a kid,used an engine cleaner that normally used kerosene – we used gasoline and cranked up the air compressor shutoff so the tank ran high. Used to burn caterpiller nests out of trees with it. Safety Tip: USE CAUTION

  3. Blow smoke up your own ass if you feel the need.

    This is over.

    But as always, you retain the destiny of your own life. This has not changed one iota from what it was yesterday or a decade ago.

    The State possesses no penalty beyond the cost of your life if you kill a politician or a hundred of them.

    Party bonus, if you are so inclined, they can’t kill you in a manner that hurts. That some would see as a serious progression in human rights.

    William Wallace was unavailable for comment.

  4. No matter what becomes of this situation, let us not forget the part the PRESS has played in all of this. We may not be able to control what is happening in our government but we can make the presstitutes and the media pimps pay dearly. We can hound them in public at ALL opportunities. Interrupt them… treat them with the same disrespect and disservice they have treated their Constitutional Privilege. They are the ones that have betrayed WTP by trading that privilege to serve an agenda that is repulsive to the COTUS all for a seat at the table of global dominance.
    The PRESS must be held accountable.

  5. Can you say “condescending?”

    Sure there are many other avenues that are still open. We should have faith. Just look at all the justice that has come out of all of those hearings and investigations and bloviating we have been getting for the past four years. We have a judge who drags out a case that should not have been brought in the first place when the DOJ says to drop it, and we are supposed to feel confident that the rule of law will prevail this time?

    Can this woman point to one instance where justice has been served? If she could do that then maybe we would not be so angered — but she cannot. We have Democrats who lie, cheat, screw around with Chinese spies. We can’t even have a damned election go without cheating. We are told we have to remain locked up in our homes if we don’t wear a useless mask. We are being told that we will lose our freedom to travel unless we inject poison into our bodies and this woman tells us to put on our big boy and big girl panties?

    Maybe she should just tell us that Santa Claus will bring us justice for Christmas. That would be about as believable.

  6. We could go along with them and the left would still insult us. Remember, just about every nasty thing the left says about Trump they said about W.

    How many times to they get to kick us in the head before we can tell them to fuck off?

  7. To my friends here (and especially CFP – holy shit) ready to give up, and say it’s over…

    This is WAY far from over, so wipe yer snotty noses, put on yer big boy pants, the ones with a pair of gonads in ‘em, and stand up if you really want to win!!

    I didn’t hear any concession speech today from our Great President Trump. Did you?

    Stand strong, Patriots!

  8. For all who are still positive but have no plans to help fix the system but insult those who see the reality, enjoy the next month.

    Get over it. RINOs, Barr, no DOJ, etc.

    How long until we get smart about what’s really going on?

    Bullshit. We could have been a contender…

  9. Well @borhnerdict, if no court will entertain your case, or hearing, we’re left with no recourse. They’ve rat fucked us. This is a stolen election.

    America doesn’t have free and fair elections any longer.
    Democrats, Media, and big tech owns this country. Put on your mask forever. Bow down to your overlords.

    And merry Christmas to one and all. Except Christmas has been canceled by the leftists in perpetuity.

  10. Well, the the U.S. Supreme Court, of the 1850s, spectacularly failed to thread their seminal needle, too. I suppose that’s Stare Decisis in action.

    The following hymns have always been two of my favorites. The children and I used to enjoy singing them, A Cappella, in harmony, for church worship, oh so long ago.

    Battle Hymn of the Republic:

    It is Well With My Soul:


  11. Oh man, had to comment on this gem,
    “The only way to win a war is to be just as nasty as the enemy.” The Guns of Navarone”

    So we’re watching movies now? Here’s reality, there’s only one crime in war. Losing. We’ve lost. Figure this shit out without relying on fiction. Now I’m out

  12. The woman says not to worry, it was thrown out because the case had no standing, and was not tossed out based on its merits.

    Fine, but where does that leave us? Do the 20+ states that backed Texas have to go through their own legal systems where the case supposedly will have standing? 20+ unsynchronized lawsuits wending their way through the states and be adjudicate by the State Supreme Courts or whatever before they get standing to be heard in the SCOTUS?

    By that time Biden will have dropped dead, Harris will be Empress, and Trump will be out of energy.

    What road forward? A few states, Georgia or Arizona or Wisconsin contesting the results in their own states? Does that have potential to declare the entire election to be fraudulent and give it to Trump?

    I’m hoping (that’s a word I’ve used a lot lately) there is a road forward still, but who knows what the heck it is.

  13. I believe history will show this to be the single greatest act of judicial malfeasance ever committed by the U.S. Supreme Court. As bad as Robert’s salvaging of Obamacare was, that failing doesn’t even begin to compare to this one. The Supremes are either on-board with election fraud, are incapable of recognizing it, or are terrified at the idea of having to deal with it. The system has failed, and there’s nothing left to do but watch the whole fucking thing burn to the ground. I never believed we’d go out like this…

  14. Well, Brad, I much prefer some George S. Patton quotes. Take your pick:

    “May God have mercy for my enemies because I won’t.”

    “Fear kills more people than death.”

    “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.”

    “Urge all of your men to pray, not alone in church, but everywhere. Pray when driving. Pray when fighting. Pray alone. Pray with others. Pray by night and pray by day. Pray for the cessation of immoderate rains, for good weather for Battle. Pray for the defeat of our wicked enemy whose banner is injustice and whose goal is oppression. Pray for victory. Pray for our Army, and pray for Peace. We must march together, all out for God.”


  15. Oh, we won’t go out like THIS, Anonymous. There will be dead bodies all over the damn place. When Americans get mad enough to fight for freedom, a lot of people die.

    If you don’t want to fight, at least argue for legal remedy. And that includes using the Constitution to correct its own flaws.

    Shut it down. Article V. Convention Of The States!

  16. PHenry, you’re right that the system is rigged, and without unprecedented, bold action we are history. However, until Trump concedes, neither will I. I don’t think his entire plan hinged on nine ‘justices’.

    If we have a possible four years of China Joe Tyranny ahead of us, some reasonable optimism and confidence in President Trump’s plan to overcome the massive fraud isn’t a bad thing.

    We don’t have to see it the same way.

    Merry Christmas to you, PHenry, and everyone else here on IOTW Report.

    Except Larry the Liberal.
    Ah, what the heck, Merry Christmas to you too, Larry.

  17. Like I have been saying KEEP CALM and eat bacon.

    This is what was on the line in October of 1776 down the road from me:

    We moved onto White Plains after that to support General Washington, that was a draw with the British Empire.

    After that Washington went to Trenton.

    He took the gamble of his LIFE their and won.

    That is a British based site for context…

    “Keep it coming bitches!!!” – Tracey B

    FlynnFlag 2024


  18. Man, I can’t for the encore here in Georgia on January 5th. You’d think they’d dial back the fraud for the runoff out if shame, or at least for tge sake of appearances. You’d be wrong.

  19. We lost our country to Communist China today. Not a shot fired. Just some fake paper ballots in suitcases.

    Now an embezzling traitor and a cheap whore will become the most powerful people in the oligarchy we now live under. We no longer live in America.

  20. I never said I quit. I just said I am pissed.

    I will wake up in the morning and will figure out how to defy, deny, mystify, disunify, undermine, undercut, smack down, befuddle, bedazzle, confuse, subterfuge, clusterfudge….the overlords

    Oh crap. Where is @trf when you need him?

    Help me Rat Fink!

  21. “I don’t care, it ain’t over til Jan 20.”

    ^^^THIS. Me neither.

    And even after that @MJA? Trump has NOT played his last card and he has owned a few casinos…ya know.

    I still think people are underestimating this MAN.

    Justttt saaayin’!

  22. The Supreme Court of The United States of America consigned itself to the dustbin of history today. In a future day, perhaps, this refusal to hear will be seen as one of the worst miscarriages on a par with the the Dred Scott decision in the 19th Century.

  23. I didn’t think I could be any more pissed off, and I am in a state where the head asshole closed dine in, again. What can good men do against such reckless hate? So it comes down to this. Remote or revolt!

  24. Like the instructor said during weapons fam, “if you must discharge your weapon, make sure you shoot them in the leg… (as he pointed to his head).“ Not a movie quote, Brad, but a real life Marine Corps happening. Repubs don’t want to hurt people’s feelings, as if the high-road matters (right, Romney?). Quotations serve a purpose. The Navarone quotation applies. Here’s another from my life in the Corps. A dead man will never call you a dirty fighter. Your choice. Be in or be out. It’s never over. Never.

  25. I don’t think the DC cocktail crowd have any idea of the level of frustration and betrayal felt by the 50 million (likely far greater) of us who voted for Trump. I have no faith in the courts, no faith in our government, no faith in Congress and definitely no faith in the Republican Party.

    I am ashamed of my senators, Bro. Mitt (R-Davos) and Bro. Lee (R-Bangalore). I am ashamed of my governor and governor-elect, squishy, spineless closet nevertrumpers, both of them. I am ashamed of the majority of active Republicans in this state who forced us to choose between these vacuous, self-righteous hypocrites and some Dem loon.

    Do these idiots in DC and various state capitals not understand that they are pushing people to deperation? They fear the leftist rabble and the Karens, taking for granted that the silent majority would remain patient indefinitely. Well, time will tell if they are right, but not much more time. I’d say, about 40 days.

  26. Our court system thinks someone canning their own vegetables in their own basement falls under the clause of ‘interstate commerce, but states using illegal election laws in a national election don’t effect citizens of other states.

    fck them, it’s over


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