SCOTUS Ends Bidens College Tuition Giveaway – IOTW Report

SCOTUS Ends Bidens College Tuition Giveaway

UK Daily Mail

Republicans are celebrating the Supreme Court‘s overturning of President Biden’s student loan plan as a ‘victory’ for taxpayers while Democrats are deeming the high court ‘corrupt.’

The court ruled in a 6-3 decision that the scheme was unlawful.

The plan would have eradicated $10,000 in debt for borrowers earning less than $125,000 and up to $20,000 for those with Pell Grants. Estimates pegged the cost at over $400 billion. More

19 Comments on SCOTUS Ends Bidens College Tuition Giveaway

  1. Well Sippin’, one is a negro that doesn’t know what a woman is without a biology degree.
    Another has to be called a “wise Latina” since evidently wisdom is rare among Latinas.
    The third is just an inordinately ugly idiot with, presumably a vagina.
    All three were affirmative-action hires…

  2. The spoiled rotten, no good, entitled pieces of shit almost all have become accustomed to sitting on their asses and having Uber Eats deliver food to them. They have been vocal about having having to pay student loans makes it hard for them to afford that luxury.

  3. I worked while in college and made damn good money. I didn’t go on Spring Break trips to Mexico or Daytona Beach. You want to know who did? Yeppers, you guessed right, the ones who were already complaining about how much student loan debt they had racked up.

    I was making $18/hour sitting on a draw bridge eight hours/day and raising chocolate Labrador pups and was probably the only one whose parents weren’t footing the bill for college who could afford to pay cash.

    Pro tip. If you want to get paid to do your homework, get a job as a bridge operator. By the way, in the summer the girls like to flash their tits at the bridge operator while going out into Puget Sound. On the way back in there isn’t much they aren’t flashing after downing a case of wine coolers.

  4. The sinister Barack Hussein Obama set this mess up by federalizing the student loan system, which bought off the universities.

    They, in turn, raised tuition costs to make them unaffordable.

    Imagine. When I attended George Washington University in 1077, it was $30 per credit hour. Now it’s $2200 per credit hour. 3 credit class went from $90 to $6600.

    Now we have a government education mafia.

  5. The brilliant Founding Fathers did not include Affirmative Action in the founding documents nor females in the political process. The three idiot dissenters on the Court are female and Affirmative Action appointments! Once again, the Founders were right!

  6. The Constitution is VERY CLEAR. ALL revenue bills MUST ORIGINATE IN THE HOUSE. This is a revenue provision. PERIOD. And what is interesting to note is that ALL of the majority opinions cute SPECIFIC PROVISIONS in the Constitution that support their ruling, while NONE of the dissenting opinions mention anything other than BS claims for the need for equity and other crap. The Constitution is NEVER MENTIONED. For that alone, all three clowns in gowns should be impeached and removed.

  7. God is messing with the left. He’s allowing great conservative laws to be passed under Demwit Joe’s nose aka the Deep State. LOL!
    Keep it going Lord. You’re not done with us yet. Expect more. Get that popcorn ready.

    How many does this make? Three, four and more major blows to systemic socialism in The United States in two weeks. We still got a long way to go. Hopefully with God’s grace and mercy the dismantling of the commie fed agencies – FBI, CIA. IRS, NEA to name a few will happen eventually.

    In the meantime, let’s rejoice in the justices God chooses to backstab the left who demanded the Supreme Court was the final word. Legislating from the bench has its drawbacks. Who would have thunk it? Oh yeah, See U.S. Constitution.

  8. BTW, The Supreme court shutting down these illegal, unconstitutional Xiden elective orders and money grab fraud schemes like making taxpayers pay for tuition for deadbeats is a wonder to behold. Hallelujah!


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