SCOTUS Nomination Wars Won’t End Until Roe v Wade Is Overturned – IOTW Report

SCOTUS Nomination Wars Won’t End Until Roe v Wade Is Overturned


Norms are dead, and the Democrats killed them. The left’s wailing and gnashing of teeth as President Trump nominates another justice to the U.S. Supreme Court may be sincere, but it is absurd for Democrats to pose as the guardians of civility, norms, and institutional integrity. They care about power, not procedures. More

6 Comments on SCOTUS Nomination Wars Won’t End Until Roe v Wade Is Overturned

  1. I hope those who think that the addition of ACB to SCOTUS will be the silver bullet that finally overturns Roe v Wade understand the votes just aren’t there, probably never will be.

    Of the remaining 8 justices only one is a lock on this issue; Clarence Thomas. Even with ACB for future considerations, the entire make up of the court as it stands now is insufficient for this task.

    Religious liberty, free speech, gun rights, a strict adherence to the actual text of The Constitution, these are the areas in which ACB will protect us.

  2. it’s good to try to overturn Roe v. Wade. it’s terrible ‘law’ & an abomination upon our country

    that being said, ‘SCOTOS Nomination Wars’ won’t end … regardless of R v. W being overturned

  3. The “reasoning” behind Roe v Wade is atrocious, in fact, not reasonable at all. It gives women the right to end a life growing inside of them – a right that men will never have.

    So much for equality.

  4. It’s bad law and should be overturned because those decisions belong to the individual states. It wouldn’t be a controversial decision except for the democrats overly exaggerating the consequences.
    The truth is the dems are dead set on keeping the abortion levels high in black communities.


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