SCOTUS on Mandates – Live – IOTW Report

SCOTUS on Mandates – Live

Listening to #SCOTUS oral arguments on Biden’s unconstitutional employer ‘vaccine’ mandate. The rank ignorance of justices like Sotomayor is embarrassing & unforgivable. 100,000 kids on ventilators?! From what Leftist lie hole did that nonsense come from?  – C. Steven Tucker

19 Comments on SCOTUS on Mandates – Live

  1. I went back to refresh my memory on what Republicans voted for this very stupid woman. Two that are still there that voted for her; Susan Collins and Lindsey Graham. Tell me again why we need those two?

  2. FJB
    JANUARY 7, 2022 AT 1:52 PM
    “Time to be able to recall/fire “Justices”.”

    …there IS a way to do that, but it only works for Communists to remove non-Communist Justices.

    Ask Antonin Scalia about it.

  3. Their ignorance aside, even if it was true that forcing vaccines would save every single life and every person would live forever, it is not Constitutional. If you believe it is, show me in the Constitution where it says it is.

  4. Perhaps Biden’s recent “there’s nothing the Federal government can do, it’s up to the States” position is an indication of what he knows will happen.

    The Court will deny his attempt at a Federal mandate but affirm the States can do it?

  5. All justices are supposed to do is determine if law does or does not violate the Constitution.
    Their political or other personal opinions carry absolutely no weight whatsoever.
    I believe the first criteria for a justice is that they’re ‘wise’ enough to understand that which most obviously don’t.

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