SCOTUS Puts a Stake Through the Heart of Affirmative Action – IOTW Report

SCOTUS Puts a Stake Through the Heart of Affirmative Action

Nina Totenberg for npr

The U.S. Supreme Court has found that Harvard and the University of North Carolina’s admissions policy violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.

The decision reverses decades of precedent upheld over the years by narrow court majorities that included Republican-appointed justices. It could end the ability of colleges and universities — public and private — to do what most say they still need to do: consider race as one of many factors in deciding which of the qualified applicants is to be admitted. More

21 Comments on SCOTUS Puts a Stake Through the Heart of Affirmative Action

  1. Democrats don’t care about law. The law is what they SAY it is.

    They will not just ignore this, they will double down. The last “justice” was added SPECIFICALLY for her race and sex, after all.

    The Supreme Court has no more enforcement powers now than it did when Democrat Andrew Jackson chose to disregard the Marshall court so he, too, could persecute people on the basis of race.

    Times change. Democrats do not.

    Nice try, tho…

  2. Reading the sophomoric opinions of the 2 dissenting minorities on the court, you can see how devastating affirmative action has been to our institutions. These two twits, (and the lesbian) lack the intellect to have been admitted to law school 60 years ago, let alone graduated. But there they are pontificating and making critical legal decisions based on feelings.

  3. I figured it would be enjoyable to read Nina being crushed, driven before us and hear her lamentations.

    She does a far job predicting this ruling will be used to overturn a lot of affirmative action programs across the nation, not just in college admissions.

  4. Considering that a high percentage of blacks drop out because they are in over their heads even with degrees all but handed to them on a platter, it is about time for this travesty to end.

    Wouldn’t it be nice to see a black doctor without worrying if he or she was a diversity hire? I have no doubt that blacks can be just as good as anyone else, but why should they be if they don’t have to be? That would go for any group of people in the same situation.

  5. Twitter is hysterical today. My God… Democrats are such racist, white-hating filth. They’re literally saying that blacks are too stupid to EVER compete academically without AA. And they’re saying that Asians benefiting from the removal of AA is “white supremacy”.

    These people are communist fucking lunatics. They’re gonna do coups in every blue city and state. If the GOP is feckless, then the rest of the country falls by default, and we’ll be living under the thumb of violent, stupid anti-white racists until we’re all killed… or made into lowly serfs for the worst kind of tyrannical masters.

    I would hope this will be a boon to Traditional Black Colleges. Perhaps just what they need to keep them viable. Students good enough to get into a rigged admissions system in the Ivys but not able to matriculate through the programs might just succeed and perhaps not be saddled with all that crippling debt to boot. – Dr. Tar

  6. The wording in the majority decision also just put a stake in every so called hate crime law and every federally protected ‘class’. Wonder when the chuckle head media will notice that little cherry?

  7. Well, now the idiots have gender fluidity to focus on…

    The race thing just makes gender more confusing – but I s’pose it’s tough to have ‘more’ infinite confusion…

  8. You know who hates Affirmative Action more than anyone. Accomplished black folks who actually worked to get where they are in life. People’s experience dealing with Affirmative Action hires cast aspersions on them.

  9. Nina Totenberg. Her head is as thick as a mountain, her face as ugly as a mudslide.

    She was a bitch the day she was unfortunately born. Probably a Red Diaper baby, who never thought beyond what her socialist parents fed her.


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