SCOTUS Puts The Brakes On Kids’ Climate Lawsuit Against The Government – IOTW Report

SCOTUS Puts The Brakes On Kids’ Climate Lawsuit Against The Government

DC: Supreme Court Justice John Roberts granted the Trump administration a stay Friday night in a climate lawsuit several young people leveled against the government.

The Trump administration repeatedly asked both the SCOTUS and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to stop the trial through a writ of mandamus, a rarely used judicial tool allowing a higher court to overrule a lower court before a verdict is made. Roberts granted mandamus after the 9th Circuit twice turned down the writ.

The 21 plaintiffs, all between the ages of 11 and 22, are arguing that federal officials violated their due process rights by allowing the fossil fuel industry to release greenhouse gas emissions, despite knowing for years that such emissions can cause climate change. more

5 Comments on SCOTUS Puts The Brakes On Kids’ Climate Lawsuit Against The Government

  1. I’d like to know who is the power pulling the strings and providing the money for this little farce?

    I hope all the participants get the justice they so richly deserve. Remember, digital is forever, and NOT always is it your friend.
    (Participant) “I’m here for the job interview. Here’s my resume.”
    (HR) “From your resume, and out online search, it says that you were part of the “Children’s March” Glow Bull Worming lawsuit against the US. Thank you for your time and resume. Don’t call us, we’ll call you. Goodbye.”


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