Screw the AP – Israel showed US ‘smoking gun’ on Hamas in AP office tower, officials say – IOTW Report

Screw the AP – Israel showed US ‘smoking gun’ on Hamas in AP office tower, officials say


“We showed them the smoking gun proving Hamas worked out of that building,” a source close to Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi said. “I understand they found the explanation satisfactory.”

Israel shared intelligence with the US showing how Hamas operated inside the same building with the Associated Press and Al-Jazeera in Gaza, officials in Jerusalem said on Sunday.Officials in more than one government office confirmed that US President Joe Biden’s phone call to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday was, in part, about the bombing of the building, and that Israel showed Biden and American officials the intelligence behind the action.“We showed them the smoking gun proving Hamas worked out of that building,” a source close to Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi said. “I understand they found the explanation satisfactory.”


The left, and the left-wing media, are terrorists and terrorist sympathizers.

Blow em all up, real good.

15 Comments on Screw the AP – Israel showed US ‘smoking gun’ on Hamas in AP office tower, officials say

  1. The twat from Al-Jizz-Eater was right on air while she found out the goat fuckers were firing FROM the base of the building.

    And don’t tell us that They were not calling vectors from the upper floors!

  2. Hell, I wouldn’t have given them any warning and blew their asses up as well. They’ve been working with the terrorists which makes them terrorists.

  3. Hamas operates out of any civilian location they think will shield them from Israeli retaliatory attacks.

    Many years of their history in doing so should make that obvious.

  4. Extirpates, The correct three letter identifier is AsP, a poisonous snake.

    No need to add a lettter, American Pravda accurate and truthful as opposed to the propaganda they spew.

  5. As the AP style guide mandated all throughout 2020, air strikes are still mostly peaceful, until the actual point where something blows up, and that property destruction really isn’t violence. After all, that’s what insurance is for, amirite?

  6. Even if the US (koff!) “intel” (koff!) didn’t believe the IDF, facq’eem! What will the US do? Demand that Israel put the building back together again? Maybe we conservatives can ask the IDF to come over and “knock down” a couple of major US media buildings….but with less warning?


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