Screwed Up World – IOTW Report

Screwed Up World

Do the police carry Epi pens to administer to kids dying from an allergic reaction, like they carry Narcan to administer to junkies who overdosed?


3 Comments on Screwed Up World

  1. I think I’ve commented here on a Seattle news station story about the drug addicted, homeless population. One of the examples of human debris, was interviewed and they presented his case in a very sympathetic light. During the interview the “debris” remarked how he had been saved by authorities 23 times while he was OD’ing, by receiving a shot of Narcan. He was trying to make the case that authorities should all carry a six pack of the stuff. I know, all life is precious, but if it was up to me his 2nd shot might not have happened.

  2. …actually, when I was running Squad, my experience with narcing dying junkies was that they would snap to IMMEDIATELY, and be SUPER pissed at ME…because I ended their high. Some would even berate me about how hard they had to work to GET high (this was the pre-Obama ’90s, and it wasn’t as easy to get then).

    It was still cheaper to the taxpayer than taking care of a literally brain-dead junkie who got that way from anoxia and subsequent revival efforts. I suppose it still is.

    And no, you can’t just let them die. God still loves them, if no one ELSE does…

    …and in MY case, I DID take an oath as well, as do LEOs and medics even today…

  3. I can usually tell when I’m going to have a problem with a patient’s family member. When they’re strangely excited about hospice being in the home, they ask what it takes to refill granny’s oxycodone, how often we can do that, and if we provide Narcan.

    I love shattering their twisted little dream of unfettered access to opioids. Not ashamed to admit it. I warn my families that they’re about to find out who in their family has a problem, if they didn’t already know.

    I have a tremendous amount of respect for our current administration finally taking the opioid crisis head on. However the law of unintended consequences has driven addicts towards whatever means they know of to get their hands on their fix. Stealing their dying fathers fentanyl patch is definitely not beneath them. Even if it has been attached to his hairy sweaty chest for the past 2 days, they won’t hesitate to… well…. let’s just leave it at that.


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