Scuba Doo – IOTW Report

Scuba Doo

16 Comments on Scuba Doo

  1. “Hey look,” says the dog, “There’s that tennis ball you threw for me that sank like a stone. Too bad, you’ll have to fetch it for yourself.

    Otherwise, I’m not really sure what the purpose of a scuba dog would be good for. It can’t sniff a crotch, it can’t bit and it better not poop in its scuba suit. Perhaps it could hump a whale?

  2. can you say ‘animal cruelty’ kids? …. betcha can

    getting your jollies off by putting a poor, dumb animal in a situation that is a totally alien environment is not a good experience for them … even the humans are totally alien

    how about just stick to shoving Gerbils up your asses? …

  3. Gerbils is a bridge too far, but there’s gonna haft a be some splainin going on, before we judge, eh?
    Three trainers at once. That should indicate a level of care.
    The dog didn’t seem agitated. But PP is infinite in video manipulation, so I’m skeptical of everything.
    It’s Friday Night! A high Five to everyone!
    Stay vigilant.


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