Scum harass people exercising their first amendment rights – IOTW Report

Scum harass people exercising their first amendment rights

11 Comments on Scum harass people exercising their first amendment rights

  1. The problem is, conservative/Christians are too chicken shit to fight back. I am so sick of hearing: “Violence never solved anything.”
    Bullshit……… solves everything that money can’t solve. It’s just your excuse for being a damn sissy coward.

  2. And they scratch their heads wondering why people around the world don’t care to have any association with them. Vermin like this do a great deal to create the bad impressions harbored by people. That particular act will leave a lifelong stain on the victims perceptions and they’ll pass that along to others in their orbit.

  3. This is a harbinger.
    Our society has rotted so much that these maggots can (and do) feel free to get away with assault in the open street. There was a time when such an assault would earn one a shotgun blast in the chest – and be considered justice. Since the State jealously guards its monopoly on violence, we can only assume that this kind of thing is State-sponsored – since it is allowed to happen with impunity.
    The purpose, of course, is for the assaulted to react – and then have the whole weight of the State fall upon them (him) as an example.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The problem is even 30 years ago, someone did something to you and you could knock the shit out of them. Even in school you were allowed to fight back. Then schools started all their bully bs and laws started discouraging fighting back where everyone gets charged with assault.

    Women started raising boys and/or pussifying their husbands. So now we have a country of pussies, men and women. Stop being cowards and start knocking the shit out of people and this kind of shit will stop.

    I am a Christian, but that doesn’t make me a door mat.


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