Scurrilous Worm James Clapper Says He Never Called “Laptop From Hell” Russian Disinfo – IOTW Report

Scurrilous Worm James Clapper Says He Never Called “Laptop From Hell” Russian Disinfo

Story Here

Letter HERE

This is my analysis.

These two paragraphs of a long-winded letter are all you need to see-


The claim is that the laptop is fake and was created by Russians to undermine and discredit Biden

We now know the laptop is real, so in the own words of the 50 “Intelligence” morons, the laptop undermines and discredits Biden.

Thank you for admitting it.

Now, let’s prosecute the asshole.

9 Comments on Scurrilous Worm James Clapper Says He Never Called “Laptop From Hell” Russian Disinfo

  1. “Scurrilous Worm James Clapper” — an insult to scurrilous worms the world over.

    I can’t quite make up my mind whether Clapper is stupid and evil, or if he’s evil and stupid.

  2. Clapper isn’t simply a liar; he’s an ADMITTED liar. He admitted that he lied to Congress and the American people (his sovereign) because to speak the facts would have jeopardized some spook operation – but, of course, he could have said nothing.
    (when he rubs his head as he talks, he’s lying – a “tell”)

    He should be tried for treason and executed (when found guilty, of course).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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