Sealing and transfer of Susan Rice records angers House committee investigating ‘unmasking’ – IOTW Report

Sealing and transfer of Susan Rice records angers House committee investigating ‘unmasking’

Washington Times-

House intelligence committee sources say career officials at the National Security Council are slow-walking the delivery of subpoenaed records on former National Security Adviser Susan E. Rice’s handling of classified information and the “unmasking” of Trump campaign workers — material from the Russian hacking probe that middle-level NSC managers claim was transferred to President Obama’s library and could “remain closed to the public for five years.”

One source, speaking only on the condition of anonymity, called the transfer curious and appeared to reflect an effort by former administration officials to obscure evidence on whether Ms. Rice and other top officials in the Obama White House illegally tried to identify which Trump campaign and transition aides had been caught up in the U.S. intelligence intercepts of Russian interference in the presidential race.

The two high-level intelligence committee sources told The Washington Times that they are confident the panel’s investigators, despite the delays, will eventually get their hands on the records shipped to a heavily secure archive for Mr. Obama’s yet-to-be-built presidential library.

A spokesman at the National Security Council would not directly address questions on the Rice case, saying only that the council’s staff is “still in the process of reviewing record requests” to ensure that any “executive privilege concerns” are taken into account.

The spokesman, Michael N. Anton, said the intelligence committee subpoenas were not submitted directly to the NSC, but to other agencies within the U.S. intelligence community. He did not respond to a request for specifics on which agencies.


13 Comments on Sealing and transfer of Susan Rice records angers House committee investigating ‘unmasking’

  1. I thought I read somewhere that Trump could get those records just by asking for them. I think it’s time to ask for them. And what is Sessions getting done? It seems to me there is bunch of criminals in Washington D.C. that continue to behave like they are untouchable.

  2. Time to see some of these bastard perp walked. There’s no way they covered their trails that well. They had themselves convinced Hillary would be in the White House. Why bother?

  3. Yes, DJT needs to take control of those records and release them to the HIC. Sending them off to the Barky Liebary with a five-year hold is so blatantly self-serving it simply must be reversed.

    BTW – That Rice-a-Phony box is great! But it would be even better if some of those little pasta bits looked more like turds.

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