Sean Spicer Continues To Defy Leftist Cancel Culture On DWS – IOTW Report

Sean Spicer Continues To Defy Leftist Cancel Culture On DWS

The judges give him low scores, the left hates him on social media, Trever Noah accuses him of cheating, but viewers keep supporting former White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, through to the next round on Dancing With The Stars. More

Spicer’s winning performance last night. Watch

22 Comments on Sean Spicer Continues To Defy Leftist Cancel Culture On DWS

  1. Spicer can’t dance to save his life, but the so called deplorables keep voting for him and really good celeb dancers are getting the boot. Hilarious!
    You can bet the elitist Progs at ABC will “fix” this “problem” next season.

  2. I understand people are saying he just isn’t that good.
    Since he has a Trump connection; I will guess that this
    is one way the pro-Trumpers found to give the Lefties a
    sharp stick in their eye and laugh all the way home.

  3. I can’t dance worth beans – but anyone with enough nerve to get out there like he has gets high marks just for trying!

    And yes, I did catch about 20 seconds of the show (flipping channels) and commented to myself that, (a) he also can’t dance worth beans, but (b) has a lot of nerve to try, and (c) he’s really enjoying it! Huh. Good input for us non-dancers. (Give me a keyboard!)

  4. So ABC deviously invited him on the show certain that the ex-Trump staffer would be a laughing stock and the first to be kicked off and now they have egg all over their face! Ha Ha!

  5. I just created an account here
    so I can vote next time (no cell currently)
    You can vote with your computer!
    Free and you make up a password, voting only when show is on I believe.
    Potus will let us know–I dont have regular TV anymore.
    I you have a cell and a computer or device I think you can vote 20 times, but with just computer I can currently only vote 10 times, if I’m not mistaken.

  6. A trick I use to get up the nerve to get out on the dance floor – quit paying attention to the good dancers, watch bad dancers who are having fun instead. A visit to a strip club first helps a lot, too.


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