Sean Spicer Holds Presser For Left-Wing Mouth Breathers Who Insist This Was a Muslim Ban – IOTW Report

Sean Spicer Holds Presser For Left-Wing Mouth Breathers Who Insist This Was a Muslim Ban

Happening Now: Press Secretary Sean Spicer answers questions from reporters following President Donald J. Trump’s travel ban.

31 Comments on Sean Spicer Holds Presser For Left-Wing Mouth Breathers Who Insist This Was a Muslim Ban

  1. All the State Dept. executive employees who exposed themselves in opposition to this EO of/by Trump to limit immigration from selected countries should be terminated or reassigned immediately. They will be trouble so long as they are in place.

  2. MSNBC-Clinton-Hack Karen Finney went on a rant just before the presser started. She accused President Trump of commiting an ‘Atrocity’. Very serious charge. So serious someone should tweet the President what the MSNBC Media just accused him of on National Airwaves. Fact Checks.


    She claims the US is denying entry to Muslim men that were told they could move to the US while they were helping our Troops fight for their country. uhhmmm… Why are OUR troops still over there WHILE you are MOVING here?

  3. Wasting his breath arguing with them. They aren’t interested in reasoned debate or logic. On this, just like every issue, the news media will find some reason to be outraged. The Press Sec should stop acting like they are important people who need to be informed. Just cut them out of the loop.

  4. Heard the State of Washington filed a lawsuit to get this stopped and overturned.

    If this happens, then Donald Trump should declare all refugees from those 7 countries will be deposited into Seattle and Portland. If the lib states want them so bad, then give em to them.

  5. I just watched a fascinating interview of Dr. James Mitchell as lead interrogator of guys like Khalid Sheik Mohammed on It’s a subscription service, so link would be useless. It’s one of the most insightful looks at the mentality of these savages I’ve ever seen. It’s over an hour, one topic, one guest. I highly recommend subscribing for this alone.

    Or read his new book, Enhanced Interrogation. Nobody knows the mindset of KSM and his ilk like Mitchell.
    I’m going to order it now. But seriously, I wish CRTV would take this out from behind the pay wall. It’s a must see.

  6. We do need a complete “Muslim Ban”.

    I suspect President Trump is “pacing and leading” the public on this.
    This may be the first in a series of steps.


  7. I think Spicer reminded these guys at least five times over the course of the presser that President Trump takes his oath of office to protect and defend the citizens of the U.S. extremely seriously. They’re like backward children who have to be constantly reminded to wash their hands after using the bathroom or to use their indoor voices. Frankly, I’d be personally embarrassed to look so retarded on national tee vee.

  8. PHenry. I watched that interview on CRTV. Terrifying, I thought.
    What scares me most though is the mind set of the US Government attacking DR. Mitchell.
    You are right. Steyn should cut it lose. He probably will eventually. The sooner, the better.

  9. @MoeTom.

    You’re right. His recollections of prevailing CIA thinking was quite frightening. A). Suppress after 911 so there’s no anti Muslim domestic backlash. B) A certain amount of American body count within our borders is acceptable.

    As for CRTV, if they want paying subscribers they should bait the hook and make this a freebie. The only reason I have a subscription is that I signed up for levin tv before he pissed me off. But Stephen Crowder and Michelle Malkin also have shows there too.

  10. @PHeny and MoeTom – but is all of that something that aware people didn’t already know, and why DT was elected?. The Dem govt. doesn’t GAF about body count of any race. Right now, it’s expedient for them to pit blacks against whites to cause chaos.

    These people are traitors and need to be dealt with.

  11. @Gladys

    Much of the discussion were things we know of, but some of it provided clarity on Islamic thought. And the details of when Obamas justice department came after the CIA interrogators hasn’t really been aired publicly.

    This man pulled actionable intel out of KSMa d his reward was an all out legal assault, and his personal info and photo provided by obama to al qaeda and Isis.

    When asked KSM had no problem beheading Daniel Pearl as a matter of conscience. He felt as if he was making an act of devotion to allah. A deeply religious sign of his faith. No human compassion at all.

    The other part from KSM is that they think of our constitution,open borders and generous social programs as a blessing from Allah. They know exactly what they’re doing and he laid out the plan to defeat us using the tools we’ve provided. A generation or so and we’re curtains. Unless we get our shit together. So far, other than Trump, not much evidence of that.

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