Seattle About To Go Full Taxtard Because of Socialist Immigrant “PHD” – IOTW Report

Seattle About To Go Full Taxtard Because of Socialist Immigrant “PHD”

My Northwest-

Councilmember Kshama Sawant called out Steve Ballmer’s recent arguments that an income tax would harm the city’s business climate during a Seattle City Council meeting on Wednesday.

“Of course, no surprise, we are hearing that some people are not happy about taxing the rich,” Sawant said. “And who are they? It’s the rich people … So it’s not a shocker that multi-billionaire Steve Ballmer is going around to the media saying this is going to be really bad for the business climate.”

 “I just wanted to publicly respond to him as a Ph.D. economist. There is absolutely no evidence in statistical studies of taxes on the wealthy of any kind having any negative kind of consequences,” she said. “This is the same kind of myth we heard with the fight for $15 [minimum wage]. According to them, there was going to be an apocalypse if we won $15. But nothing has happened to Seattle; nothing bad has happened.”

“So we should boldly reject such mythology about taxing the rich,” Sawant added.

What Seattle income tax supporters may not tell you

My Northwest reader Mylon S Brown says-

Remember, her PhD dissertation was “Elderly Labor Supply in a Rural, Less Developed Economy.” at North Carolina State U. She moved to Seattle in 2006, and she has been a US citizen since 2010. (Wikipedia).

Per NCSU web:


As with our masters programs, the PhD program in economics is offered jointly by the Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) and the Department of Economics in the Poole College of Management (COM).”

In her case, PHD really does mean “Piled Higher and Deeper.”

22 Comments on Seattle About To Go Full Taxtard Because of Socialist Immigrant “PHD”

  1. Has she taken a look at Connecticut? Rich people can and do move out of state and take their money and spending power with them. There may not be any studies on it because its so obvious a child can see it.

  2. Alvin Lee said “Tax the rich till there
    ain’t no rich no more”. Then Margret
    iron lady Thatcher said “You run out of other
    people’s $$$”.

  3. Thank goodness the nutbars like
    to gather in “their safe cities”
    and practice crapping on themselves.
    The only downside is when they
    foul their nest so badly that
    they flee to the blue states and
    practice their repetitive insanity

  4. Has she met Francis Fox Piven? The Piven of Cloward-Piven, is still alive and no doubt grinning ear to ear to see our nation in turmoil. It is this old Communist’s dream to see this nation collapse under the weight of the high cost of Welfare which was their plan to bring the nation down. And when it wasn’t happening fast enough they dreamed up bringing in “refugees”. Not just any refugees, mind you, but refugees who hate America… just like they do and there is no better example than Seattle.
    More cost, more tax. More cost more tax. Tax base moves out, collapse, we win!!
    Any big surprise the Øbamboozler has this bitch on Speed-Dial as his advisor?
    This is what lurks under the cover of Political Correctness!

  5. Has this bint looked at the unemployment rate of Seattle lately since the push for $15 passed? And the number of businesses that have left the city or shut down because of it? Bet’cha she has, and bet’cha she doesn’t care.

    Now with this latest action on raising taxes on “the rich”, I expect to hear about Pike’s Market closing and going bankrupt.

  6. I live in Puget Sound. The state constitution forbids income tax, but the libstains have been trying to force one in anyway. And it’s not like they need the money. This Beeeyotch is a communist import. She needs a visit by Seal Team Six.

  7. There are a few, very few, schools where you can get an education in economics as it deals with real people making real value decisions in real life. NC State isn’t one of them. As is painfully apparent in this sow’s case.

  8. Please keep this crap weasel nonsense on the west side of the state. We have enough idiots on the Spokane city council who would try and impose this crap over here. And our Council President Ben Stuckart is a little guy who wants to impose his leftard will on us over here. Fortunately we have a strong Mayor in David Condon who opposes him and the rest of the council but Stuckart wants to run for Mayor in the next mayoral election and God forbid this jackass wins. Also fortunately for us he just quit his bid to run for Congress next year. What’s up with little guys and their raw quest for power? I can’t stand this arrogant little weenie.

  9. Remember the expression “half of success is just showing up” ?
    That’s directly because half of those that show up are as stupid as this box o’ rocks!

  10. Socialists always forget that “money walks”. It happened in France 2-3 years ago, when the French Socialist Gov’t introduced a 95% tax on the rich, retroactive by 5 years. The rich still live in their beautiful apartments on the Champs Elysees, but the apartment is owned by a numbered company based in the Cayman Islands, beyond being taxed. Also, many rich (ie. Jews) simply moved to Switzerland, Luxembourg and Australia.

  11. The proposal is a local income tax, which means it isn’t too difficult to move to escape paying the extra tax. But even so, the effects probably won’t be felt immediately. Most, but not all “rich” people will likely stay put, but as Ballmer points out, many folks will think twice about moving to a higher-cost Seattle. In an unfriendly tax atmosphere, growth is retarded – look at California where tax receipts are down despite the rest of the national economy doing somewhate better.

    But this is obvious to everyone except a PhD. The less obvious question is “why?” What does Seattle propose to spend the money on? How would the supposed extra tax receipts help the citizens of Seattle? Is the city government the best vehicle to do whatever is eventually proposed for the funds? What is the long term cost/benefit of increasing these taxes and then spending them on some sort of currently undefined program?

    California is an object lesson. The ciizens of that state are about tapped out in terms of traditional tax increases, and apparently the state has now taken to lying to its citizens about the use of funds from gasoline and automobile registration taxes. But what is California spending much of its revenue on? Benefits from illegal immigrants, a high speed rail system that won’t be completed for decades, increased welfare payments, and anti-global warming schemes. As productive people and businesses leave the state (and they are), California revenues at best flatten out, and at worst decrease, meaning that California cannot pay for the hare-brained schemes it already has much less new ones.

    If there were concrete and articulated reasons for these tax increases, many of the citizens would likely support them. But for typical liberals, there are no really valid or worthy reasons for these taxes other than “we hate rich people.” And that will damage Seattle’s economy in the long term.

  12. Years ago when a luxury tax was implemented on vehicle/watercraft/airplane purchases, who was hurt by this well-thought out revenue generator?

    Boat building companies on the coast of Maine were forced to lay off blue collar laborers, mechanics, sales and administrative staff. Some had to close up shop.

    When will they ever learn?

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