Seattle Asks: Can you come up with a better design for Seattle’s city flag? Send us your ideas – IOTW Report

Seattle Asks: Can you come up with a better design for Seattle’s city flag? Send us your ideas

I think my design is a little complicated and hard to reprint on cloth. It’s probably why they won’t pick it.

HT. JD Hasty

28 Comments on Seattle Asks: Can you come up with a better design for Seattle’s city flag? Send us your ideas

  1. I lived in Amsterdam for a number of years and there was so much dog crap on the sidewalks that you couldn’t look people in the eye but had to dance around all the piles.

    The Amsterdam shuffle they called it.

  2. Better Flag??

    How about all the city council members flipping off the people they wield power over, along with a giant pile of human SHIT that overshadows the tax-payers that are working their ass off just to survive in a sea of liberal assholes that look down their noses from their ivory towers??

  3. A rainbow toilet, sad, I look once after eating Lucky Charms for a week (was between jobs,, give me a pass.)
    Damn, how did you know it was broken Dave?
    Let just leave it as a good guess,,,
    Guinness Girl, you really lucked out!

  4. Just like a real black hole, that crap just keeps circling and orbiting and… giving off radiation stinky stench… until it disappears for good down the historical hole of no return. But the problem is, it takes forever as it reaches the event horizon.


    1. A sinking ship tied-up at a downtown Seattle dock with rats running UP the mooring lines trying to get aboard, and some just jumping off the dock. Garbage, needles, and a tent city with druggies on the dock (and all over). (Space Needle in the background tipping like the Leaning Tower of Pisa.)

  5. @JDHasty The comments are the best! Now, if only, they’d put two and two together and not blindly vote D anymore. That’s too much to hope for.

    My flag idea- where’d there are stars, replace them with tents. If there are stripes the longest one is behind a Prius because it’s driving 52 mph in the passing lane.


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