Seattle Lawlessness: City Council Pushes to Decriminalize Majority of Misdemeanors – IOTW Report

Seattle Lawlessness: City Council Pushes to Decriminalize Majority of Misdemeanors

David Harris Jr._

The Seattle City Council is considering legislation that would allow judges to dismiss criminal charges against offenders who show symptoms of addiction, mental illness, or poverty.

Seattle City Councilwoman Lisa Herbold introduced the legislation last Wednesday, October 21st and defended the legislation in a council session the following Tuesday, October 27th.

The legislation would expand the definition of “duress” to include addiction, mental illness, and poverty. If passed, a misdemeanor crime could be excused and dismissed if the offender shows:

  • symptoms of addiction (without having to provide proof of a medical diagnosis);
  • symptoms of a mental disorder;
  • poverty, so long as the crime committed was to fulfill an “immediate and basic need”

The legislation would cover most crimes below the felony level, excepting DUI and domestic violence. read more

19 Comments on Seattle Lawlessness: City Council Pushes to Decriminalize Majority of Misdemeanors

  1. What could possibly go wrong? Everything! I’m glad that I live in the Eastern side of Wash. state where this madness hasn’t permeated yet. Good luck Seattle, you’re going to need to need it as if things over there aren’t bad enough already. I love going over to Seattle but not anymore, the Ballard area and around the Ballard locks is one of my favorite areas of Seattle.

  2. What we need is one good leader with a squad of helicopters.


    off subject, but

    The same people who say Amy Coney Barrett will force women to wear cloaks in public are demanding everyone cover their face in public with a mask.

  3. Seattle won’t be lawless, but it will put complete control of their people in the hands of certain judges. Politically appointed judges.

    Good luck if you appear before a judge if you’re not a POC, or wear a cross, or look like you have money to spare… If you are a masochist, wear a MAGA hat and throw your fate to the mercy of the court.

  4. Well hell, why only misdemeanors?

    If I have an urgent need for a home. Bill Gates has more than enough room, if he won’t house me and I displace the rich, elitist, commie bastard, will I go to jail? Especially considering that I will provide housing for all of my homeless, addict, crazy buddies, in my new home. I’d even allow Gates and family stay.

    I’d be providing a service!

  5. First intimidate.
    Then terrorize.

    A cowed population is much easier to control.
    “Law” becomes (is) arbitrary.
    Eliminate “law” and institute a “Ministry of Love” to bring all the people to proper thought.
    Most of those arrested during Kristallnacht were soon released – but with a stern understanding of their positions in German society.

    There’s a reason that education has been shorn of learning.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. They are so obviously politically insane that they are
    helping the President they hate get reelected.
    America looks at their rotting city that they are effectively destroying and sees Left = Violently Nuts.

  7. … poverty, so long as the crime committed was to fulfill an “immediate and basic need …

    Because Marxism teaches that people are poor because they are victims of the capitalist system and “A hungry man is not free.”

    Goodbye Seattle. It used to be such a very nice place.

  8. This has led to huge increases in crime everywhere else it’s been tried. I’m sure the excuse will be “The other municipalities didn’t do it right, that wasn’t true misdemeanor reform”

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