Seattle officers leave scathing responses in exit interviews- citing marxism and socialism as a deciding factor – IOTW Report

Seattle officers leave scathing responses in exit interviews- citing marxism and socialism as a deciding factor


One retiring patrol sergeant who had been on the force for more than 20 years said, “I refuse to work for this socialist city council and their political agenda. This agenda sacrifices the health and well-being of the officers and ultimately will destroy the fabric of this once fine city.”

One officer whose job is up in the air said, “The council wanting to defund us and gaining ground doing it. Rioters not being charged even when they assault officers.”

Another patrol officer from the East Precinct who was resigning after 6-10 years of service offered this explanation for leaving the department: “Current hostile work environment. In a precinct that is under civil unrest by a small group that is constantly committing multiple felonies and attempting to murder peace officers.”


What these assholes don’t seem to realize is that the only people who would be willing to work in this environment are the ones that are currently rioting. In other words, the fascists!

Wait’ll people get a load of their brand of peace keeping.

ht/ illustr8r

17 Comments on Seattle officers leave scathing responses in exit interviews- citing marxism and socialism as a deciding factor

  1. How the hell can normal people in the city put up what is now over four months of daily riots in their city. At what point do the good people either leave or file a class action law suit to bring the city back in control. This is beyond belief.

  2. How would you like to have to resign and move away from where you have lived for years, or maybe your entire lifetime, your family ties, etc all because of these Marxist scumbags who want to destroy America? This is a dangerous cancer on our society. A similar decision time for the rest of us may soon be upon us!!

  3. “… the only people who would be willing to work in this environment are the ones that are currently rioting. In other words, the fascists!“

    We’ll all become cop-killers then. Or become victims.

  4. I don’t know anyone that would want to work at a job where all of your bosses hate your guts cuts your pay with out cause and calls you the enemy of the people you serve. 118 left this year to date.
    Seattle had one of the best forces in the country until obama got involved with it through the DOJ.
    The Seattle police train other cities how to use their bikes as blocking and crowd control most cities no longer have horses due to cost so bikes are used.

    @ The rat fink, yes many will be going through the same thing that AA and I will have to do in the near future as the cities crumble due to the commies that have taken over. Unless things change and I for one do not see that happening soon enough for us.
    40 plus years in the same house for AA 30 plus years for me, it is going to be really hard to lock the door for the last time, raised a great daughter and have had so many great times in, tears will be shed, we really hate to leave, at one time it was one of the most livable cities in the country and one of its most beautiful.
    We are out numbered and more commies keep coming.
    Its a damn shame, and yes many other cities are at risk and most of us know which ones they are just hope most here do not have to leave because of them.
    Also leaving the state like others will leave their state.

  5. bike mike
    OCTOBER 20, 2020 AT 11:46 AM
    “At what point do the good people either leave…”

    …they HAVE been.

    …They ARE.

    Look at Geoffs post about he and Abigail.

    Leaving the City.

    Leaving the State.

    I will be leaving my now-blue county myself before the new lesbian takes over the County Sheriff because that was the last LEO office left that hadn’t knelt to Democrats.

    Gone now.

    This is how it goes. They invade, we fall back. They take cities, counties, states, we fall back. They never admit they are wrong when they follow us, so they bring their politics, corrupt their new homes, and we fall back.

    Seattle is over the event horizon. They’ve chased out all but the Communists.

    All other cities will follow, in good times or bad.

    Then they will take all states.

    Then they will take the nation.

    Then they will come for us, no matter how far back we fall.

    For Communism brooks no opposition, and tolerates no dissent.

    We can’t run anywhere they won’t follow.

    That’s why they must be destroyed before they destroy US.

    Willing or no, there WILL be a Civil War after the election, regardless of the outcome.

    They have been shooting US for months.

    The only question is when we ALL shoot BACK.

    And they will have Chinese troops behind them, from Canada, from Mare Island, and from anywhere they can land them and hide them.

    They will also activate their Muslim sleeper cells in every city, in every police department, in every military unit.

    It won’t be a walkover, as even their cannon fodder is crazed with drugs and hate, and will sacrifice themselves to kill us.

    And they have a LOT of cannon fodder.

    But it’s too late to back away.

    We can run no more.

    We are shooting each other by Christmas, willing or unwilling.

    And the outcome may well decide if a Christmas will ever be celebrated again, anywhere, until the Lord comes back.

    War is coming, and we pawns are as likely to see action as any.

    Sharpen your blade.

    And at least die well.

  6. Election Day 2020 will be one etched in WORLD history. When it is done –how many weeks later?(!!)– we will know if it is The War To End All Wars, or if we must endure decades of reorientation and rebuilding.

    As Mark Steyn wrote YEARS ago, Human Civilization rests on “America Alone”. God save us.

  7. “… the only people who would be willing to work in this environment are the ones that are currently rioting. In other words, the fascists”

    I have to disagree. I don’t think any of these trust fund babies and basement dwellers have ever, or will ever, work a day in their life.

  8. The cognitive dissonance amongst Seattle and Portland residents is astounding. They complain about unrest, yet they vote in the socialists who propagate this garbage. They want the utopian promises promised by this political ideology, but not the outcomes it brings in reality. They cannot see that Marxist ideology always leads to human misery, and oppression of those who are unfavored. If they think society is oppressing now, just wait until your political dreams are reality and it’s too late to go back.

  9. @Cynic Yep, to what you said all day long. The lefties I know, former coworkers mostly, seem to think homelessness and riots will magically disappeared once Trump is gone. Never mind that Seattle was in a steep decline during Obama’s years. It just does their heart good to know a progressive is in office-don’t matter if they are ineffective and tyrannical. Blinders on 🎶 ☀️ when a lefty is in office, R takes office and suddenly every nightmare 😱 made by the previous lefty is now the fault of the R.

  10. It is not with glee that I point out that I have been posting my opinion, and made it clear what I have observed regarding Seattle that lead me to those opinions, about Seattle that I took a lot of heat for. When people are surprised about what is now everyday… I just have to wonder: how so? How can you be surprised when you have been having your nose rubbed in it for decades? The progressive pieces of shit are not shy about what their designs are. Never have been.


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