Seattle Protesters Block Traffic In Opposition To Construction of Juvenile Detention Facility – IOTW Report

Seattle Protesters Block Traffic In Opposition To Construction of Juvenile Detention Facility

When you have left-wingers protesting, you’re always going to get placards that are entertaining for their sheer stupidity.

Protesting the construction of a necessary youth detention facility, the maggots blocked traffic and held signs that read-

“Stop caging kids,” and “Build homes, not jails!”

Build homes? Free homes? For who? The yutes? Don’t they have parents? If they don’t have parents then they have some alternatives.

Get a job and get under a roof. Live “uncaged” out on the street and try not to do something stupid that will require that you go to youth detention facility- like blocking traffic.

I really cannot follow the thinking of a left-wing maggot, unless, of course, you simply remember that all they want is your money, and then to be left alone to do drugs and drum circle all day.


HT/ JD Hasty

21 Comments on Seattle Protesters Block Traffic In Opposition To Construction of Juvenile Detention Facility

  1. It was kind of cold out that day. The first thing I would have done, if I was in a position to do so, is bring in a fire truck and hose them all down. They wouldn’t have lasted long after that. You know, they allowed that group to block traffic all day.

  2. Lawlessness.

    “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be…”

    Guess what the #1 mark of Noah’s day was?

    The more time goes on, the more society decays and becomes lawless.

    It’s getting closer.

  3. I guess they’d rather have youth offenders stuffed in an overcrowded facility… or in the adult facility. As usual, the progtard assholes never think any of this through.

  4. “…Singin’ songs, anda-carryin’ signs, mostly sayin’ hurray for our side…”
    Sign-carrying malcontents that have never accomplished a damned thing except try to tell the more accomplished what should be done – gonna fail at this too….

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