Seattle teacher told students identifying as ‘straight’ is offensive – IOTW Report

Seattle teacher told students identifying as ‘straight’ is offensive


A controversial Seattle teacher allegedly told students that identifying as “straight” is offensive. He even scolded some of his male students for being a “product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care.” It resulted in a parent filing a complaint with Chief Sealth High School. In defending the teacher, Seattle Public Schools (SPS) offered what appears to be a verifiably false statement to the media.

Tenth-grade Ethnic Studies World History teacher and self-identified communist Ian Golash asked students to complete a “Social Identity Wheel” worksheet, according to the parent, who asked for anonymity. It asks students to explain their various identities, including racial, ethnic, gender, socio-economic status, physical, emotional, or developmental disabilities, and sexual orientation. The worksheet is intended to tell students that their identities determine whether they receive unearned privilege or oppression.

The parent’s 15-year-old son labeled himself “straight.” Golash took issue with that word “because it implies that to not be straight is to be ‘crooked’ which could have a negative connotation.”

The student’s mother shared an email thread with The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. In it, she complains about the comment to Golash and the school’s principal, Ray Garcia-Morales.


ht/ woody

35 Comments on Seattle teacher told students identifying as ‘straight’ is offensive

  1. Has Seattle done anything good, lately?

    So, I went into Publix to get some coffee and “Seattle’s Best Coffee” (yeah, right…) was on sale for about $6/lb., so I bought a bag (because I’m cheap AND hopeful at the same time, having had a negative experience with that brand a few years back).

    Got home and couldn’t open the bag in the normal way! Tried and tried and tried. Got out the pliers. No good. Finally CUT the bag open with scissors and used a ‘chip clip’ to seal it. O.M.G!! The bag was glued together like it needed to survive WWIII! The exact same thing happened the last time I took a chance on “Seattle’s Best Coffee.”

    And by the way, it was just average coffee. Apparently it’s the best they can do.

  2. Every parent of students in public schools should give their children permission to get up and walk out of their school if something like this occurs.

    Then the parent needs to meet with the principal and tell them their child will no longer be attending their “woke” school. Then walk out.

  3. On a daily basis, there is so much stoopid crap that occurs in this city, it’s mind numbing. It’s unexplainable to people who don’t live here (ie my friends in the Midwest) who look at my with a furrowed brow and a side nod…,”Really?!?”

    Yes, really. Seattle is a progressive utopia. Have a look while you are stuck on i5 because xyz protest. Enjoy the rainbow of hair color choices around you in their masks as you pump your $5 gallon of gas. When the skies are gray you have the blue tarp homeless camps to remind you of the soon beautiful summer.

    Don’t you want this for your city?!?

  4. Erik, with a very heavy millstone hung around his neck. Who knew, that I have become offensive just because I am an older white male heterosexual, Christian, proud US Navy veteran, father of 3 children, 5 grandchildren and a proud citizen of the greatest country on earth. I am also extremely literate, can speak and write well, know that 2 + 2 will always equal 4, yep, I am all of those and wear all those as badges of honor. I might have been brain dead when I was younger but no longer since I was saved in 1972 and no longer believe in any of the left’s bullshit. And please keep all the craziness of the left’s bs on the West side of Wash. state, we don’t want it or need it forced on us by all the nimrods in Seattle over here in Eastern Wash., N. Idaho, Western Montana etc.

  5. Playing devils advocate for a moment;… Can anyone imagine the torment this, I don’t know what to call him, endured as a kid with a name that could morphed into “I am goulash”? Kids being kids are a indescribably cruel bunch, in packs. Being teased as resembling someones vomit, as I’m almost positive he was, can warp a young mind in ways hard to imagine. That said, his social proclivities are not a surprising manifestation of such abuse.

  6. What an absolute goof. He’s the one that came up with the negative connotations. Especially ones that don’t make sense. Is there now a gender called “crooked?” What a dumbass. We’ve already been force fed that whatever gender bending nonsense words these asswipes come up with is to be celebrated, they even have a whole gay month for it to recruit children for their pedo orgies. That’s because we’re forced to tiptoe around their deviant behavior and ignore what’s really going on. There’s enough negative connotations with their fetish of sticking things in places the sun don’t shine versus how people that don’t want anything to do with their fetishes label themselves. Work on that, goof.

  7. Ethnic studies and world history teacher that’s quite the deadly combo with an emphasis on DEI and little or nothing said about Caucasian or white ethnicity. Except to deride it and blame whitey and the Jews and Christians for all of history’s past failures and mistakes.

  8. It’s amazing how this teacher never checks himself introspectively. He KNOWS he’s right about everything and how DARE you question him!

    When he is asked to explain himself, he merely jumps in with the “no, that’s not what I meant- you just took it the wrong way” response.
    Typical Marxist liberal.
    Sounds like my ex-wife.
    (“ex” for a reason.)

  9. Just like that math equation that always winds up with the same number – the Social Identity Wheel of Misfortune will always make you guilty!

    choose any number.

    Example : 43

    Add the next highest number to it
    43 + 44 = 87

    Add 9
    87 + 9 = 96

    Divide by 2
    96 / 2 = 48

    Subtract your original number
    48 – 43 = 5

    Everyone’s answer will always be “You are a White Terrosist”
    Try another number.

  10. My daughters a school teacher in a logging town just south of the Oregon border. Which means it’s severely depressed right now since they stopped logging. First grade. A lot of kids from really poor families and a few off the Rez thrown in. Her first year right after Thanksgiving she started question the kids on how their Thanksgiving’s were. Come to find out only one or two families actually celebrated. So ever since then she throw a bunch of chicken in a couple crock pots with Turkey Gravy, stove top stuffings and some canned cranberries and the day before the Thanksgiving break feeds the kids an el cheapo Thanksgiving dinner. The kids go nuts.
    I think this guy should be her T.A. for a year.

  11. “It asks students to explain their various identities, including racial, ethnic, gender, socio-economic status, physical, emotional, or developmental disabilities, and sexual orientation.”

    As a student (’60’s -‘back then’), I can honestly say I would have verbally objected to the assignment and probably been kicked out of class (and reassigned to another class, which happened to me as junior with an avowed Communist teacher).

    The assignment is totally inappropriate.

  12. @Brad

    That description could fit Eureka, which me and wife visited in ’05. It is northern California’s only seaport, and the logging industry used the port facilities and railroads to move the timber out of the area. The leftists put a stop to that industry. The port seems mostly unused now, except for some cruise ships, and the railroads are getting rusted out. I don’t know if the fishing industry is still ongoing or if the leftists stopped that also.

    The city fixed up a small section of downtown a bit to make it look good to cruise passengers, but other than that it was in pretty bad shape. Lots of second hand stores downtown, not much else. That’s how I remember it – once a vibrant town, now a dying town.

    Leftists truly kill everything good and promote everything bad.

  13. Tim Buktu

    Even worse. A little town outside Yreka. Her husband get contracts from the Forrest Service for cleaning up areas. Like burned areas, so the do pretty good. The one and only mill that was still running actually got burned up in a fire up there so now there’s virtually zero logging work.

  14. Someone should inform the idiot teacher that it was the homosexual community that came up with the term “straight” for normal people. The same sickos who invented “gay” for sodomites. Pull your kids out of public schools now, before it’s too late.

  15. The city of Eureka’s Economic Development Dept. has a website. It has a section devoted to the cannibus industry in the area. It has no similar sections on other industries. The town’s biggest industry appears to be health care, and third biggest is government.

    The location of the city on Humboldt Bay is spectacular, but it’s a sad tale of a once proud city ruined by liberals. Now it’s big claim to fame is cannibus growing.

  16. Tim Buktu

    Humbolt county was the only county in NorCal that didn’t want to become part of the State of Jefferson. It was pretty funny, all that was left of the original state of California was a thin strip of coastline between L.A. and S.F. and then way up the coast was Humbolt County. Liberalism is the enemy of humanity.

  17. Perverts have to bastardize the language in order to gaslight the general public into believing their deviancy is “normal”. That’s the irony. This freak “teaching” children wants to create his warped version of normal through intimidation. In a normal world, he would be fired and arrested for child abuse.

    Parents in these libtard school districts are majority libtard themselves, but not all of the parents want a queer teacher threatening non-queer aka non-mentally ill students if they don’t want to submit to the queer agenda.

    Yes, it will be a financial and inconvenient burden for decent parents to remove their children from leftist school districts. These parents should consider the harmful, oppressive psychological burden their children are experiencing being targeted by radical queer teachers.

  18. The opposite of “straight” is not “crooked”. It’s “bent”.

    When I was a lad, “bent” meant that one desired to insert one’s penis into another guy’s butt, and vv.

    Times have changed, today’s “bent” might refer to a t-woman inserting her female penis into another t-gal’s butt.

  19. Assuming this individual was not a test-tube baby, wouldn’t his parental units have been ‘straight’?
    It’s both amazing & frightening how far some can veer off from reality.


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