Seattle Times Reporter TYRONE BEASON Says President Trump Described Legal Immigrants as “Criminal-Minded Invaders” – IOTW Report

Seattle Times Reporter TYRONE BEASON Says President Trump Described Legal Immigrants as “Criminal-Minded Invaders”

The story I was reading was about a guy who is going to take a 3 week hike along the U.S./Mexico border with his son to prove something or other. I think he thinks if he survives the hike it proves the border is safe, or some other nonsense.

I say in advance that this stunt means dick because if both of their heads are cut off the left will say it proves nothing. So, save your Payless hiking shoes the wear and tear, Mugambo, you’re proving zip.

In the article (and this has become my main focus) the pinheaded reporter  (okay, it’s more of a milk dud than a pin) of FAKE NEWS says that the president called LEGAL immigrants “criminal-minded invaders.”



Part of mental illness is hearing voices. I think Beason should get an evaluation.

ht/ jd hasty



26 Comments on Seattle Times Reporter TYRONE BEASON Says President Trump Described Legal Immigrants as “Criminal-Minded Invaders”

  1. Leftists say all sorts of stuff that is obviously false, but are almost never called out on it by anyone with significant public presence and widespread mainstream exposure.

  2. We can be pretty stupid here in the Seattle area, and when it comes to virtue signaling we may be among the very best. What kind of moron is so full of himself that he not only believes he is safe walking the US Mexico border, but he is willing to risk his son’s wellbeing by bringing him with. I don’t think the cartels give a damn if your grandpa came from Mexico.

  3. @ joe6pak MARCH 4, 2019 AT 12:46 PM

    “We can be pretty stupid here in the Seattle area, and when it comes to virtue signaling we may be among the very best.”

    Blue Ribbon still goes to Protestland:

    Here is what is comforting though, they are now getting hammered in the comments section of O-Live. Even a couple years ago this would not have been so. Seattle Times shut down the online comments a few months ago. Was it because they cannot strictly control the debate and their opinions were ridiculed and belittled. Or was it because they were caught out for blocking the ability to log on and “thumb up” or “thumb down” comments by individuals who did not agree with the Seattle Times staff and Editorial Board?

    Progs are nothing if not predictable.

  4. “criminal-minded invaders.” So what if he did, would he be 100% wrong?
    I seldom gamble, what are the odds that he:
    Doesn’t complete.
    Doesn’t complete because he was sick.
    Doesn’t complete because his son was sick.
    Doesn’t complete because he was robbed.
    Doesn’t complete because his son was robbed.
    Doesn’t complete because…

  5. …well, thats how TYRONE BEASON thinks of them, so using his liberal projection skillz, of COURSE he knows that’s how President Trump thinks of them as well…

  6. If you want to get a birds-eye view of the depths of Mexico’s depraved, lawless culture, and how heavily the Church figures into it, I strongly recommend “God’s Middle Finger”, by Richard Grant.
    Shithole may be too kind.

  7. It’s like Ilham Omar:

    “I am told everyday that I am anti-American if I am not pro-Israel…”

    Who is telling you that, Ilham? The voices in your head?

    It’s a good thing for Dems that straw men can’t vote. They’d all be evil conservatives, and the Dems have created about as many of them as they have illegal voters.

  8. So this guy is planting lies about our president? Then I didn’t say anything about watermelon or cotton and that’s the truth. I swear. Honest … really ….. really, really …..

  9. Pen name “TYRONE BEASON”
    Birth certificate name “Lysol Sudafed Jones”
    Originally applied as Barry Soetoro and was denied.
    ‘Cause that one was already taken.

  10. This jackass will be demanding border guard protection for his entire stroll. If not him then his paper or whoever is his districts congressman. It’s damned unlikely he’d survive a walk along the border where the cartels would almost immediately assume he and the son was some sort of competition and assuming they survive the first 60 secs will get clipped the moment they learn he’s a newsman. Nope, whether he sees them or not the Border Patrol will end up protecting his ass instead of doing their actual jobs. In fact this stunt of his could actually cost a number of lives.

  11. It has been 31 years since we had a moral, brave President. Long overdue, but we have 1 now!

    Tyrone must be part of the Rove/Bush cartel – they all know that murder + rape are “ACTS OF LOVE!”!

  12. Last time a dumb ass from the Seattle area tried to prove the world wrong, Rachel Corrie became saint pancake. This holier than thou Seattle dumb ass is in for a rude awakening. Drug lords are ruthless. They’ll kill anyone for any reason. He better hope his life insurance premiums are current.


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