Seattle’s Finest – IOTW Report

Seattle’s Finest

A handgun missing since 1990 from the Seattle police was found in a faded bowling bag over the locker of a long time officer who had reported the weapon was gone. The bag had the officers name, Matsumoto, taped on it along with a pocket knife with the initials “C.H.M,” for Carl H. Matsumoto.

During the follow up investigation by the Office of Police Accountability,  officer Matsumoto denied the bag was his and declared that other officers had put their stuff over the same set of lockers for 17 years. Matsumoto retired in April. More

9 Comments on Seattle’s Finest

  1. When the entire upper echelon of the DOJ is corrupt and the FBI is not much better it comes as no surprise that LEO down the chain the impression that rules are optional. As I said earlier today, it will take a while to right the ship after dislodging Captain obama from the wheelhouse.

  2. “If it was any of us all the evidence would be DNA tested and we would be making new friends at the government boys or girls clubs.”
    at the very least difi would be screaming about how this is proof that “non-proffesionals” can’t be trusted with guns

  3. The US was headed in the correct trajectory until the social designers took over around 1969 and it has been going downhill ever since.
    Affirmative action, Title IX, every government program designed to fix a problem made 10 more problems.


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